Chapter Two: Do You Like Death?

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Sock stared absentmindedly at the spot where Jonathan was before he stormed off. The demon didn't mean for this to happen, in fact, he had found a friend in the teenager. His homicidal tendencies seemed to have the reverse effect on people. Even when he was younger. A flashback crossed his mind before he could stop it.


A young Sock was playing in Blacksheep Park, stabbing the ground. "Yaah, yaah, yaah! Take THAT Earth! And that! And that!" He smiled with pleasure as the dirt fell clean off his knife he grabbed from his father's secret stash of weapons. Out of all of the weapons his father owned, his kitchen-style knife was his favourite: no gunshot to alert the people around him of what he was doing and the sweeping motion of a stab and release tickled him to a smile, not to mention the beautiful sight of blood on the shiny metal and soaking the corpse. But he was inexperienced; blood would splatter on his clothes and hands, revealing what he had been doing. Not that anyone cared. But Sock was determined to have a friend who shared his love of death. Spotting a girl with blonde hair in short pigtails with shorts, he decided to do a small death sample: Sock attracted a squirrel with it's innocent eyes looking up at him, seemingly without warning he stabbed the rodent with a glint of pleasure in his eyes. "Gotcha." He smiled manically as the dead body limped in front of him. He wiped the blood off his knife on his sleeveless jumper and slid it down the hold he made in his skirt. Picking up the corpse, Sock ran to the girl. "Hey Jo-Anne!" He signalled her, blood running down his hands

"Hiya Sock! Whatcha got there?" The girl asked curiously as Sock wiped the sweat off his head, smearing blood on his forehead. "And why are you covered in blood?"

Sock grinned and held up the dead squirrel for Jo-Anne to see. "This is Thomas! I killed him for you!" His eyes glittered with hope.

The girl's, however, clenched with disgust, her hand flew to his mouth as if to stop from puking: the sight and smell of blood for her was too much. "Sock! That's revolting!" Jo-Anne ran away from poor Sock, who's face fell.

"Are we friends now?" Sock asked, one last glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"No we are not, Sock! You kill innocent people and animals! Who would be friends with someone with a murderous heart? I'm surprised your parents don't know about this! Don't ever try to be my friend again!" The girl's final words stabbed Sock: he found that those words hurt more than an accidental cut from his knife.

Sock lowered the rodent before dropping it to the ground. ".......... No? .... Kill? .... Innocent? .... Murderous heart? .... Don't know? .... Don't try to be a friend? ......" He trailed off on the boy's words, falling to his knees. ".... Oh... I see how it is... If you're different, you can't be someone's friend..." Tears welled up in his eyes, before being brushed away furiously. "It's not fair!" He yelled before feeling a little prick at the side of him, reminding him of his sharp weapon. Sock took out his knife and stared at his reflection in the flat end of the weapon. ".... You're my only friend, Mr. Knife...." He sniffled, before hugging the weapon. Blood and tears from his cheek trickled down the knife and onto his fingers. Sock released and noticed the liquid on his fingers. Curiously, he gave them a taste-test. His eyes widened before smiling again. "Hey, not bad!" He grinned. "Mom's gonna kill me for the cut though..." Sock sighed. "She hates seeing me in pain..." Sock picked up the dead carcass of the squirrel in his hand and slid his knife back in his hidden pocket. "C'mon, Thomas... Let's get us cleaned up before mom sees..." He said sadly as he trudged back home, corpse cradled in his arms and close to his chest, like an orphaned baby.

"Wait, you can see me?" Sock X Reader (Welcome To Hell)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora