Chapter 2

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(Mehgan is played by Malaysia Pargo)


Meghan's two floor condo was exactly how I remembered it. The downstairs portion was decorated in warm, welcoming colors such as yellows and pinks. While the upstairs portion was donned in darker and deeper colors such as navy blues and emo black. It was safe to say that my favorite portion of her house has always been the first floor. "So who you got paying your rent this month?" I kicked off my ratty ass chuck taylor's and went to join her on the couch.

"This 40-year old white dude that works uptown. All I have to do is go out to eat with him every two weeks and he gets me whatever I want." I nodded, all too accustomed to my best friend's lifestyle. It's not that Mehgan was lazy or anything because she was truly a hard worker. She just preferred to live off the other man's money while hers sat pretty in the bank. I could never do that, but I'm not in her shoes so I'm not judging. "I see you, mama." I stretched out on the couch and rested my head on her lap.

"Uh-uh, Angie. Get up, I need to do something to this rat's nest you call hair. Come on, get up!" She pushed my body up so that she could stand from the couch. I groaned once she tugged on my arm, letting it be known that I needed to follow her to wherever she was headed.

Taking a seat on the closed toilet lid, I sat unaware as Mehgan ran a comb through my naps. "Hmm, what do you think about the color blonde?" I shrugged, not too into the current conversation. My mind had drifted to Cannon– nothing new. And I was having flashbacks of some of our greatest moments.

[Four years prior]

"Babe, you're not serious!" I stood in the doorway of his office and sent a glare his way. He had the nerve to tell me to be ready in twenty-minutes– and I somehow managed to pull it off. So how come he was sitting in his boxers, and giving that damn laptop all of his attention. He has yet to look up at me. "Cannon!"

"What, Ang? You don't see me doing sumn?" He smacked his lips, eyes still glued to the screen of his laptop. Kicking off my heels, I slowly walked into the room. He was so into whatever the fuck he was doing that he didn't notice my presence inside the room until I tapped him on the shoulder. He finally looked from the screen to rest his eyes on me. "Dag, you gorgeous, Angie." I smirked.

"Thank you. Now you would look good too if you would actually get dressed. What the fuck are you doing, anyways?" I already knew the answer. I was just praying that he didn't say the words that I dreaded. "Making this shmoney!" I rolled my eyes. "We have enough shmoney, Cannon. Why do you have to be so greedy?"

"Greedy?" He stood from the chair. My eyes dropped to the front of his boxers, and lingered for a while. "Yo, how am I greedy? I'm just trying to make sure that we're set for the future. You said you want us to start a family before we're 30, right?" I looked away from his hard eyes. He always did this shit. Whenever I confronted him on this embezzlement business that he took a liking to some years ago, this was always his argument. Saving for our future, my ass.

"We have almost four mill, babe. What more do you need? We're only two people!" I raised my voice some before running a hand through my bone straight hair. He only shook his head before turning to leave the office. "Now you run when I'm making sense. You're so bitch made."

"Shut the fuck up 'for I don't take ya ass nowhere." I licked over my lips but decided against speaking. This would be the first time we went out in a long time and I just couldn't risk it over some slick comment. Less than ten minutes later he was finally dressed and standing in the mirror, tightening his watch. "You good enough to eat, babe. Who you lookin' good for?" I stood beside him and tugged on the jacket of his suit. Baby was really looking like everything tonight and I wanted to jump on him.

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