The wait

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I sit here at the train station, waiting for my parents' train to come.

12:00 am
Where is their train?

12:30 am
Shouldn't they be here right now?

1:00 am
They said their train would be here by 10:00 pm!

3:00 am
A train halts to a stop, as two people proceed to get off. "MOM! DAD! WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN??!" I yelled at them, expecting an answer. They, instead, continue to walk while being completely silent. "My car is that way," I said while pointing to the opposite direction of where they were walking. They then turn around and walk with me to the car. Why were they so silent? My parents are never this silent! As I got in the driver's seat as they set their suitcases in the trunk and proceeded to get in the backseat. I opened my mouth as if to say something, then I quickly shut it. I heard a couple whispers, but that was it. The one thing that puzzled me was; why were they so quiet? I pulled into my driveway and got out of the car. They got their bags and followed me in my house. I showed them to their rooms and suggested they get some rest. I then said a simple "Goodnight." To them as I walked to my room down the hall. I sat down on my bed and turned on the news channel, "A train crash had happened at 10:00 pm tonight, killing everyone inside the two trains. Those poor people and their families..." The news person said. I then thought into it a bit more. 10:00 pm train crash? I then remembered, my parents train was supposed to come at 10:00 pm. If those were my parents, then who did I bring home? I then heard my door creak open....

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