"Hi Ben!" I chirp back. He chuckles

"What's wrong Alpha?"

Alpha? I thought Jake was Alpha?

"She doesn't remember me!" He yells.

"But she remembers me!" Ben responds.

"She thinks Jake gave her the ring!"

Ben looked shock when Zoe can through the door.

"Zoe!" I scream and run over to her and hug her.

"Hey Sarah! You didn't loose your memory!"

"No but she lost the best part!" Alpha yells

"What's going on?" Zoe asks confused.

"She remembers everyone but me!" Alpha yells

"Who got you through your first change?" Zoe asked me.


"Who almost chocked your sister?"


"Who made us second betas and alphas?"


"Who rushed into the middle of the battle between of your dad and you?"


"Who did you yell to stop you from killing yourself?"


"Who got shot?"

"Jake! What is the point of this? Are we playing 20 questions or something?!" I yelled.

Zoe turns to Ben.

"Did she mindlink you when she was in a coma?" Ben asked


"Did she mindlink Jake?"

"I don't know!"

"Find out!"

After a few moments of silents Alpha responds, "yes"

"I know what happened!" Zoe spoke out.

"What?" Ben asks

"All of her memories are replaced with Jake!"

"Impossible!" Alpha screams

"Actually it's not!" Jake says coming in through the door.

"Jake!" I scream happily running up to him. "I found my mate, so it's over between us." I sighed.

"I know what your saying and this is not you, so imma ignore that." He says turning to Alpha

"What's up man?" Ben says.

"This has happened to my sister before!"

"And did she get her memory back?" Alpha yells

"She killed herself because she was overwhelmed and thought we were all playing with her."

"You know I do recognize you a little, have we met other than now?" I say studying his face.

"What the-" he screams and was about to punch the wall but I got infront and had him punch me instead.

"I know you might be upset and confused, like I am, but before you give the wrong impression, do you mind telling me what your name is?!" I screamed in my Alpha tone.

"Blake" he says quickly.

"Who knew you could go without screaming!" I say sarcastically.

"I am your mate, any memory you have of Jake, was really me."

"And how do you know this?" I asked

"Your the one who lost your memory in a coma!" He yells

"But what if-" I start, but am quickly cut off.

"No! I reject you as my mate! I'm done! I need time to think!" He yells

"Well I'm not excepting!"


"You just met me so I'm not excepting."

"You b*tch, we didn't just fvcking meet!" He yelled

"Thanks! I love dogs, but if I wanted d*ck headed inconsiderate jerk, I would've just went back with my dad!"

Then he slapped me. Hard.

"Don't test me!" He warned.

Big mistake I thought.

I kicked him in the b*lls, and broke his nose, then kneed him straight in the stomach.

He groaned in pain, now on the floor.

"And I'm warning you, if I get messed with by you, I'll come back so hard, you'll wish you were in hell!" I yelled and ran out.

I am Sarah! I don't get heart broken! I kept telling myself.

"Come on Lilly we're going for ice cream!" I say.

"Yay your wake!" She screams hugging me.

"Yep! Now let's go get some food. George is starving!"
Hi lovelies! What do u think should happen next.

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