Not Completely Done Hanging Out

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That's when we noticed a flash from a couple of feet away.

Niall and I quickly turned our heads to notice there were photographers crowding around us. They had found us. I turned back to Niall and he quickly grabbed my hand and said,"We have to go before anyone else notices us." I knew he meant the fans, once they notice us there would be pushing and shoving and just get worse than it already was right now. He pulled me towards him walking back to the restaurant we had ate in. The photographers were non-stop asking questions,
"NiaNani and Niall, is there something going on between you to? Are you to dating? There is something your not telling us by what just happened a minute ago. Lucky for you too we have pictures." I kept my head down not replying to any of their questions and followed Niall's path towards the car. I was a little disappointed that they had ruined was about to happen.But how had they found us? I swear I heard no movement or seen paparazzi leaving the resturaunt. For inc I thought we weren't going to get noticed. I was mistaken.

Before reaching the car some fans had noticed us and began to come near us to take a picture shoving everyone in front of them. I felt extremely uncomfortable and lost Niall's grip. Great not only did people notice us or him but now I lost his hand and don't know where to go. The flashes were literally blinded me I started to see little stars. "Nani!" I heard Niall's deep voice. I looked up and saw his face, he smiled and grabbed my hand again, after a couple of more steps we had finally reached there car. Niall opened the passengers door and managed to keep it open while I hopped in. He then went to the drivers side and quickly turned the car on. It was hard to maneuver through the people, obviously trying to not run over them.

Finally we got out of the mob and drove to the hotel. Once we arrived inside the hotel we walked slowly towards our rooms. Security blocking the entrance. I didn't want the night to end, at least not go back to my room without spending a little more time with Niall.

"Well I don't want to end the night like this. I feel we need to hang out just a tad bit more" he said yanking my arm leading me towards who-knows-where. We were getting close towards the dead-end of the hallway when he slightly turned right and opened a door. The stairs led up, next thing you know we are at the top of the roof of the hotel.
"Wow" was all Niall's mouth let out as he looked around him, his eyes widening every second, not letting go of my hand. I'd lie if I said I'd seen better, the sun was setting in front of us, the clouds a slight tint of orange, slicing through the clouds werw the sun's rays. It was beautiful, what made it even better was that I was with Niall.

We both snapped out of our dumbfounded expressions and looked at each other. He smiled, showing his shiny white teeth, the sun's glare reflecting off his blue eyes, and I could see a hint of a dimple on his left cheek. I returned the smile. Forgetting that we were still holding hands I look down and we both at the same time quickly released our grip from each other. Once I let fo of his hand something felt like it was gone, every time Niall and I touched something sparked inside me. There is always a spark inside someone that makes them happy, it can shine bright as the Sirius star, but it also can loose it's spark and become dim. Knowing myself, my spark has been dim, and with his touch it made it shine brighter than I could remember, and he doesn't know it.

We walked towards the edge of the roof, staring out into the sky. Feeling an empty space between us he scooches in closer, our shoulders slightly touching. We let the nice breeze fill in the silence, it wasn't uncomfortable, it was relaxing.

"You know NiaNani.... your very different from other people I've met."
He said turning his head towards me.

"What do you mean by that" I asked confused.

"Well you're very chill, but you also like to have fun. You seem like a carefree person, someone who likes to just have fun at the moment." He replied rubbing his chin while examining me waiting for an answer.

'Well I....guess I am. I mean it's always fun to live life the on edge and experience new things by taking risks. For example, one day I hope to go skydiving, now that's something I really want to do."

"Woah, now your just talking crazy NiaNani, you really want to go skydiving?" He asked excited and in utter surprise.

"You can call me Nani for short by the way, it's just much easier."he nodded. I continued, "Anyways, didn't you just tell me that I liked to have fun and live in the moment? Well that's what I mean by living in the moment."

"Well unlike you, I'm not crazy, i'd like to stay on the ground sitting on me bum playing me guitar while you jump off a plane. I'd actually like to live" he says.

I immediately laugh and form the words, "Now that you said that I'm actually going to take you with me and we will go together" I put my hand out in front of me for him to shake, but all he does is step back with his arms raised up laughing, "In your wildest dreams, never in me life I'm going skydiving."

I let a sigh,"C'mon, stop being so scared and do it." I quickly step forward trying to grab his hand but he runs.

"NO!" He yells out trying to outrun me.

Damn he was faster than I thought. I was finally about a foot behind and reached for his arm making him stop and make my whole body slam against him. He falls first onto the concrete floor and I land on top of him. Chest touching chest, faces inches apart, my hands flat on his muscular shoulders.

"Ahh you caught me" he exclaims sarcastically making his worst "scared" face I've ever seen. But before I could get up back I feel a rush of cold running down my back. I gasp trying not to yell loudly. I roll off of him and run my hand down my back, once I look at my hand I see it is covered in blue.....paint. He just poured paint all over my back. He just stayed their laughing like a hyena. So with the paint in my hand I casually walk towards him and smack it across his face.

"Ow! That hurt!" He yelled covering his face with his hands.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry I didn't meant for that to hurt" I say putting my hands on his right shoulder while he crouched down. In a quick second he grabs my legs and quickly flips me upside down making me face his knees.

"You liar! Put me down!" I screech hitting his shins, causing him to retort,"You know it's not very nice for friends to be hitting me chins"

"And it's not very nice for a friend to just flip them and carry them by the legs!"

"Mmm well we going to go back down now"

Whilst still carrying me by the legs he carelessly walks down the stairs. Towards then end of the stairs he loses some balance and quickly regains it but ends up meeting his knee with my chin. I let out an "ow"

"Oh shit....'m sorry" he quickly says letting me go to get back up on my feet. He gently lifts my chin up for his eyes to roam.

"It's fine" I say removing his hand away.

Without realizing we were already in front of the door of my room.

"I had an amazing night tonight Nani "

Damn, just his smile makes me feel things I shouldn't.

"Me too" I reply. He leans in for a hug and I return it. It may sound weird, but his hugs are amazayn. My head meets with his chest, so he bends down to comfortably dig his face in my neck.

I couldn't wait for what tomorrow had for us....

Sorry it's been a while since I have updated. (Even though only a couple of people or shall I say 1D AF people are reading this. As long as im entertaining one person with my writing im happy :) I write this story in my free time and whenever I have the chance to)

ANYWAYS. I just really wanted to say that I fucking SAW ONE DIRECTION at the OTRA Chicago show. It was amazing I can't even explain how great it was. I cried XD I went August 23rd. When was your guys OTRA show or which upcoming one is it??

Make sure to comment , and favorite and enjoy!!


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