~Chapter Two~

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I can't believe how much I wrote on the last chapter. I'm like, bruh.

"Alright, class. Homeroom's over. Everyone know where they're going first lesson?" Yui asked.

"Yes Sensei!" Mostly everyone chirped.

The bell rang and everyone stood up and pushed their chairs in. Kakashki stood up slower than everyone else and waited for everybody to leave. Yui turned her back to the classroom, and started to write something up on the board.

"Uh, Sensei?" Kakashki asked when everybody was gone.

Yui spun around. "Hm?" She replied.

"I... don't.. know where i'm supposed to be..." She muttered.

"Ah, right. Your timetable is here."

"Thank you Sensei!" She chirped. She grabbed her bag and scurried out of the classroom. She glanced down at the piece of paper that Yui handed to her. She she scanned her eyes over the page until she found what she was looking for.

"Right," she said to herself. "Classroom 3-B, I think that's upstairs."

She walked towards the stairs while folding up her timetable and placing it in her pocket. She waked up the stairs and walked straight into somebody's back, as they were walking quite slowly.

"Ah!" She yelped as she fell backwards, landing on her butt. The person turned around, and Kakashki immediately recognized them. It was the blonde boy from homeroom, the one who burst through the door and then didn't a word the whole time.

"Sorry." He muttered quietly. He knelt down to help her up. She glanced up at him, accidentally catching his piercing blue eyes with hers. She blushed and looked away, starting to get up. The blonde grabbed her hand and pulled her up, then bending over to pick up her back and then proceeding to hand it to her.

"You're the new girl, right?" He asked.

"Uh, y-yeah." Kakashki replied.

"I wasn't paying much attention, I mean, I never pay attention to anything anyway. That just now was a perfect example." The blonde chuckled, running his hand through his hair.

Kakashki giggled as the bell suddenly rang.

"Oh shit." The blonde said, checking his watch. "Your in the same lesson as me right?" He questioned, panicking.

"Uh, 3-B?"

"Oh thank god, c'mon quick, before we get marked late." He grabbed her hand and pulled her to the end of the corridor, and they reached the classroom. They walked in the door and the teacher gave them that funny look, you know the one they give you when they're annoyed because you interrupted them or something. The blonde quickly let go of Kakashki's hand and walked to his seat. The teacher just pointed to a chair and Kakashki went and sat there, guessing that's what he meant.

The lesson dragged on for ages, the same boring stuff about quadratic equations and junk that you don't need. But finally the lesson ended. Everyone evacuated the classroom, but as Kakashki was about to leave the teacher spoke up.

"Don't think you can be late to all of my lessons." He sounded grumpy.

"I'm sorry Sensei, it's my first day and I've literally never been in this building before, so I don't know where anything is." Kakashki replied, with a smile.

"Mmn.." The teacher shook his head, and proceeded to clear the tables for his next lesson. Kakashki sighed and walked out of the door. The blonde stood there waiting for her.

"He's such an ass, don't worry about it." He said.

"I figured that." She replied.

"You know where you're going next?" He asked, changing the subject.

"Uh, I think so.."

"We've got Gym, it'll be fine. Shinohara and that crazy bunch'll be there so you'll be fine." He said with a smile.

Kakashki blushed, "I'm sure I will, one question though."


"Which way do I go?"

"Just go down those stairs, to the bottom floor, and it's literally right in front of you. Wait Suzumoto's there you can go with her." He said, "Suzume!" he shouted.

She turned around and saw Kakashki standing with the blonde. She gestured for her to come over to her and smiled. Kakashki thanked the blonde, and ran over to Suzumoto.

"Hey, Kat!" She said with a smile.

"Hi, Suzume" She replied, smiling back.

"How was your first lesson?" Suzumoto asked as they walked down the stairs.

"Eh, pretty boring actually." Kakashki laughed, "I mean, who needs to learn what negative B plus or minus the square root of B squared minus 4AC over is anyway."

"Jesus how the hell did you remember that?!"

"Just did I suppose, he said it enough times I think it's burned into my brain." She laughed.

They finally reached the Girls Gym, and Kakashki was shocked at how many girls where there. She suddenly realized that she doesn't have any Gym kit. She looked around for a teacher, spotted one and then walked over to her.

"Um, excuse me?" she said nervously.

"Yes?" The teacher turned around, and looked Kakashki up and down.

"I'm new here, and I um, don't have any kit. And I don't know what to do." She said, fiddling with her Student ID card.

"Oh that means you're Kurosaki Kakashki, right?" The teacher asked.

"Um, yes."

"That's splendid! I have your kit right here, ready to give to you. It's brand new, so don't worry about them being spares." She handed Kakashki the clothes. "I'm Sensei Supostu, nice to meet you."

"Thank you Sensei, nice to meet you too." She smiled and walked into the locker room. She spotted Suzumoto and the others from homeroom so she went over there.

"Hey Kurosaki!" Nakashima said, waving. The others turned round and smiled or waved too.

"Hey guys." She smiled back.

It took at least five minutes to get changed and then they all walked out into the gym and they went over the huge mirror that covered one whole wall. Kakashki was astonished by the kit she was wearing. The shirt was really tight, white and see-through. The pants? Well, they we're legitimately just underwear, they weren't even shorts.

"Not very smart have a mirror in a gym, huh." Kakashki said, tying up her hair.

"We're not that boisterous, honestly." Shinohara laughed. A whistle was heard throughout the gym.

"Alright class listen up!" Supostu shouted, "Where all out on the field today. We've got a Rounders tournament against the boys."

"Oh Jesus Christ not again." Nakashima said, face-palming.

"COME ON HURRY UP GIRLS!!" Supostu shouted as everyone walked through the door.

"Oh this is going to be fun," Kakashki thought, "Really fun..."

There is a reference in this chapter somewhere and if you get it I'll love you forever XD

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2015 ⏰

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