Chapter 2

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"Life, it seems, will fade away.
Drifting further every day.
Getting lost within myself.
Nothing matters, no one else."

- Fade to Black by Metallica

Everything fell apart the next morning. Dan had been pushing it all away for so long, the existential crisis that he had had every week since he was fifteen years old. He woke up and remembered that he was still living in his parents house, he had dropped out of university, and the last time he had a job was two years ago. What was he doing with this one life he had? Absolutely nothing.

Dan took a long shower, carefully slitting each wrist one, two, three times with the razor he had hidden in one of the bathroom drawers. A collection of scars were on his wrists, ankles, and thighs. These were what sent him to the therapist and these were what had given him his anti-depressant pills.

"Dan? Are you okay in there?! It's nearly been an hour!" he heard his little sister, Emma's voice say through the door.

"Yeah, I'm fine! I'll be out in a second!" Dan turned off the shower and dried off his body, cringing as his wrinkly fingers touched the towel. He had always hated the feeling and the look of wrinkled fingers, they reminded him of raisins.

As soon as Dan walked out the door, Emma ran into the bathroom and began searching the drawers. His heart stopped beating when she opened the door where he had hidden his razor.

"Did mum tell you to go through my stuff?" Dan hissed, quickly pulling the razor out of his little sister's hands and shoving it back into the drawer. "Don't you dare say anything, Emma, I swear to God if you say anything I will kill you."

Emma shook her head, looking up at him with tear-filled eyes. "Why are you doing this to yourself?" she whispered angrily. "You don't deserve this!"

"You don't know that, Em. Promise me that you won't tell mum."

"Why shouldn't I?"

"Because I'm fine and she doesn't need to know, okay?"

Emma sighed. "We want to help you, Dan, but we can't do that if you don't let us try to help you."

"You can't help me. It's too late for me." Dan snapped before shoving her out of his bathroom and room, slamming the door shut behind her. He quickly grabbed his razor from the drawer and found another place to hide it.

Dan went back into his bathroom and pulled out a washcloth which held under cold water. He rung it out and placed it carefully on each wrist for a few seconds to slow the bleeding in case his mum came barging in. That was when his phone began ringing.

Assuming it was only Amy, Dan carelessly glanced at it, but it wasn't her. Instantly his day brightened when he say Phil's name pop up. He quickly grabbed his phone and answered it, not bothering to hold back a wide grin.


"Hey, Dan! It's Phil, I know that we were planning on hanging out again next Friday but I was thinking that you could come over to my house to play some more Halo 3? Or maybe another game, if you'd like."

"Oh yeah, definitely! I'll be right over!"

"Okay, cool! See you then!"

Dan hung up and ran into his closet, completely forgetting about any kind of doubts or sadness he had felt moments before. He even felt good enough to put on a light blue shirt rather than his usual black.

The moments leading up to making it to Phil's house seemed to go by unbearably slow, but he eventually made it and everything seemed to be so much better when he made it there. They both grinned at each other awkwardly for a moment before they went upstairs into Phil's room. Then time itself seemed to disappear.

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