harry pov

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harry pov

" i know you all are still recovering from the war but we would like to continue the tri-wizard tornament as planned. students from the ages 14-18 are allowed to compete this year. now i would like to introduce the lovely ladies of the magen institute of magic in Egypt." mrs.mcgonagall announced. the girls came into the hall each one wearing a gold skirt and a white blouse and green scarves hiding their faces. behind them came a women who was exceptionally gorgeous. she had straight brown hair and golden eyes and beside her was a girl who looked nearly like her which i guessed she was the daughter. the girls sat at different tables looking down as though they did not want to see anything. the women came up and greeted mrs.mcgonagall and sat at the teachers table.

"that's one amazing face" Ron said mystified. hermonie turned and would not meet his gaze.

" now please welcome the men of the beatnix academy of magic" the boys strode in heads held high and chests pumped out . behind them stood a man. he was very muscled and looked as if he could murder you. he greeted mrs.mcgonagall and sat next to the Egyptian wizard.

"now our last guest is very ..... different. i warn you not to make him mad he won't have a problem destroying us all with a flick of his finger. i now introduce Percy Jackson son of posiden the forgotten hero."

the doors open to reveal a boy about 18 he had jet black hair and green eyes. like me. he had weird marks on his arm and he walked as though life didn't matter anymore. we watched as he greeted mrs.mcgonagall with a nod of his head.

" Percy will be taking the role of defense against the dark arts professor."

what he was as old as any of us and he wasn't a wizard what did he know that we didn't. i shook my head and stared at the visitor and when he looked at me all i saw in his eyes were sadness and betrayal. this was going to be an interesting year

percy jackson and harry potter: after the warWhere stories live. Discover now