Kill one

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Third Persons POV

A little boy was walking down the stairs following the blood stains on the floor.


He came to halt upon hearing the horrible scream.

The boy started to shake. 'I knew I should've never came here!' He scolded himself.

He remebered picking up a white envelope with red spots on it he took it and read its contents.

Come to the house at the end of the street, there awaits you great treasure.

Upon seeing the word 'treasure' he without thinking took off with his coat and hat to protect him from the cold night winter breeze.

He stopped infront of the said location of his 'treasure' he was terrified for a moment. "Maybe I shouldn't..." he thought but greed had consumed his mind and is now leading him to death's doorstep.

He accidentally tripped on a candle stick when he took a step forward.

"Ow!" He rubbed his painful back and behind, "that hurts."

"Want me to ease you?" An angelic voice said.

He looked up and immediately regretted everything.

Before she stabbed more like plocked out the boys eyes, he saw a mask that has been the topic in the news channels lately.

"Ahh!!" He screamed, blood falling from where his eyes were located before. Pain striking him, he never felt this kind of pain.

"Men and their greed" another voice said, an annoyed tone on her voice.

"Now, now. You shouldn't be mad, if it weren't for that we wouldn't have a new toy" another one said, it had a much more mature voice that the other two.

"I suppose your right... now..."

The boy felt something cold on his neck, he stiffened when he confirmed it was a knife.

"Smart boy, he figured it out."

"How come Yue gets to kill him and I dont?" One protested.

"Maybe because you did it last time?"

"Geez, you two."

While the three voices were having a conflict he took his chance and started to crawl away from them.

"Your not going anywhere."

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!" He screamed.

She giggled followed by a sadistic laugh when she heard his pathetic scream when she cut off his legs with an axe.

"Scream more!!" She screamed and kept on hitting the boy with the axe everywhere! Blood spattering on her porcelain skin and silver hair didn't stop her, nothing will.

He screams in return. "Stop please!!!!!"

"Begging is pointless! No one will save you from us!" She let out a loud and sadistic laugh that scared the shit out of him.

"Finish him!"

"As you wish."

He felt something on his neck but he wondered how that something traveled from his left side of the neck to the right, then everything went black as he felt his head un attached to his body.

Yue's POV

"I didn't have that much fun!" Rain-nee pouted.

Shane-nee giggled and ruffled our hair. "Let's get this place cleaned up okay?" Rain-ner and I nodded in unison.

"Good you two take care of the corpse in the basement and I'll grab the ones here."

"Okay! Lets go Yue!" Rain-nee pulled me down into the basement.

"I wish they were still alive... so I could tear them into shreds.." I said in a disappointed tone.

Rain-nee chuckled, "now, now. Let's get clean this mess you created."

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