Jealous Little Boy (Itachi X Sakura)

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Why am I here? Why did this happen to me? Of all people why me? I am now at the Akatsuki hideout and they are begging me to become part of them. Why are they begging though? Weird.

But Itachi isn't here. He's in his room. "I think he's still jealous that you love Sasuke," Konan said. "AM NOT!!!!" Itachi yells through his door. "He's definitely jealous. Who would've thought he would be a jealous little boy," Kisame snickered.

"You guys are really pissing him off. And I don't think he likes that," I say in reply of their comments. "Are you saying you purposefully got him jealous?" Kakazu said. I start to blush. "She's blushing. That means you're right Kakazu," Hidan said.

I am so embarrassed. "Hey Itachi! Sakura likes you! She purposely got you jealous!!" Kisame yelled. "Why don't you shut up, fish boy," I say. They all start oooing. "I'll shut up when I want to, cotton candy head." Everyone's oooing. "If I say to you to shut up, you shut up!" I yell. I'm not in the mood to fight. He laughs and says, "you're not the boss of me! You have no con-" I punched the table nearby and it exploded into millions of pieces. Kisame got a surprised look on his face. Tobi hides behind Deidara, while he hides behind Sasori. Everyone's scared now. "I'm not in the mood to fight! You guys stole me while I was sleeping at home! I am really pissed off at you guys!" I yelled.

They stole me when I was sleeping in the middle of the night. Naruto isn't back yet. It's only been half a year since he left. Luckily Lady Tsunade already trained me to use chakra punches and to heal. I'm still new with it though.

Pein comes out of his office all pissed off about the noise. He was about to say something when he noticed the table and my knuckles had pieces of the table on them. He finally said, "I know you're pissed and all but you really need to calm down. We can't really buy that much stuff cause we're the Akatsuki, so please don't destroy anything else. And please keep the noise level down," he was about to leave when he turned around to say, "oh and we stole you because we need someone like you. We don't have any medics and since we don't then we can't heal in time so we will probably die before getting home. Plus you don't even know our origins. So please get to know us before hating us." And so he left.

"What does he mean by 'origins'?" I ask. So then Konan told me how they began and I started to feel bad for them. Now I regret hating them. It's sad.

Then somehow we get back to the 'me purposefully getting Itachi jealous' subject. I feel like I should stay for a bit. I mean I should help them. Their past is pretty rough. Maybe I should stay............wait what am I thinking. If I stay my home would try killing me. And plus I wouldn't be able to meet my friends ever again...........but........I feel like they think I'm useless. I mean I always needed their help before. Maybe it's a good idea to stay. But I need to go back and get some of my stuff. Really.

" think I'm going to stay.....but.....I need to go back and get some of my stuff. I need them. If that's okay with you......" I say. They all smile. "YES! SHE'S GOING TO STAY!!" they all yell. Pein comes out and says for all of them to shut up. Then he turns to me and says, "if you need to get your things then you can but two of us will need to go with you. Is that ok?" I nod in agreement.

He then says, "you can pick who you want to go with but it has to be two people. Any two people. Except Itachi. He doesn't want to be bothered right now. Decide soon so you can go right away," he looks at all of them and says, "any volunteers?"

I notice Hidan and Kakazu raise their hands. But I turn around and I see that Konan, Sasori, Deidara, and Tobi are raising their hands too. Tobi jumps around while raising his hand. He's excited. He must really want to go. "Alright first off I want Tobi-" He yells in glee. Then Deidara puts his hand down. Ok I got my first but I don't want to be the only girl so.... "And I want Konan."

Jealous little boy (Itachi X Sakura)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu