'Beach Party'

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My mother specially took me to the mall this morning, we cam back with a phew gorgeous  dresses that hung loosely on my shoulders and this http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=32107172 for tonights beach party, apparently my mothers first date was there she described it 'magical' and truly 'romantic', she actually said that was the night i was concived.

I took daily pills, they stopped the head aches and some of the nose bleeds i frequently get, but today i felt no pain at all, it was like any ordinary day i would have, it been two weeks since i found out. I visited therpisits and physcologists atleast 3-4 times a week, it really did help the ease of the pain that i had the disgraceful illness. 


The outfit curved my body out neatly actually showing my shape, i wore peach eyeshadow with eyelashed and nude lipstick, i didn't want to much as i was going in the water, my brunette thin hair

was formed into a messy bun with wavey side bits hanging down, i timidly crept down stairs as my mother & father stood there smiling then there mouths forming an O in shock as they saw me

absoloutly making me blush as red as a hot chilli pepper it was heating up to, i'm sure my heart beats were irregular right now. 

Besides stood Jayden he wore grey umbro shorts and a white unbuttoned shirt and cream sandels, his brown hair gelled up with black glasses to complete the look, he flipped them on his

head and pulled his lips onto mine. "My, look who looks unbeliveably sexy tonight." He whispered into my ear smoothly, making my face heat up even more like a radiator on full blast. 

"My little princess alll grown up." Dad said smiling.

"You're so beautiful." Mum grinned.

"Thank you guys." I chuckled grabbing my handbag with my phone and makeup, Jayden already had a phew towels with him anyway, we were going with hsi friends one was 18 he had a truck it was pretty awesome, as we walked to the door hand in hand mother shouted "Be back tomorrow at 10."


i was staying at my boyfriends house over night...

We trodded over to the truck and sat in the back, his friends were absoloutly hooligoons holding

cups of beer, a phew of them wolfwhistled, of course it have to be Thomas and Luke the craziest of them all i admit they were pretty handsome but not was handsome as my lover.

"So are you to diggin in tonight." Thomas laughed, yes once again i burned up, we didn't say anything, he nudged Jay in the ribs. "Guessing you are." I heard him whisper, he chucked me a

beer, a bit spilt onto my lap. "I'mma get you for that pee face." I giggled. "Oh yea?" He tutted and began tickling me, he knew my weak spot. 

"G-g-et o-f-f m--mememee!!" I shrieked bursting with tears. "No, wait only if you say i get to throw you in the sea later." He said, carrying on. Last time he did he picked me up when iwas ten [we

were best mates] and he walked down these big rocks until it was about 7 feet deep and dropped me in, then he did a belly bounce besides me getting me absoloutly soaked, no way. 

"N-no." I managed to choke out. "Fine, then you're going to have to put up with me ticklin-" I interupted. "-fine fine!" I shouted pushing him off still laughing. "My stomach hurts now." i moaned.

"Don't touch my girlfriend again." Jayden joked giving me a peck on the cheek, the t ruck slowly stopped.

Here we were at 'PARADISE' beach. It was uh-mazing. Lights scattered everywhere, the sky was pink and purple as the sun setted, it was only 8pm. The smell of barbeque wafted through my

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2011 ⏰

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