I could feel his distress.

Of course me being a human I couldn't keep up with him, but because of my secret I could find him perfectly fine. My legs cared me as quickly as they can and I honestly didn't know I could run as fast as I was, probably wasn't wolf speed. But, it definitely wasn't human. I could feel eyes on me. The same energy from earlier, but I couldn't let anything happen to Derek. So if my secret gets revealed, then it was fine as long as he was okay!

When I got to him he was sprawled out on the ground his body looked half mutated, his face was completely in its wolf form the hair, slowly growing it to place, but the was still a lot of skin visible. Blue veins were bulging out of his arms while his claws were still elongating. The rest of his body still was in human form, the only thing off was the wolf hair that was slowly starting to fill the body. This was a forced transformation, I could tell and boy the look of it, it looked very painful! I wanted to cry seeing my mate like this, but I couldn't help him if I became emotional.

My mate's head slowly turned toward me and a snarl pulled up on his mutated face, that was probably meant as a smirk; "So your the boy with the intoxicating smell." My eyes widen in surprise, two voices spoke at once, in unison. Was this.. Was this Derek and his wolf speaking to me? "My mate." A ping of anger surged through my body, no it was definitely just his wolf. Derek didn't give off an ora that screamed self centered and big headed. Okay, maybe not the first one.

"I don't belong to just you, but him also." I countered, angry that he thought I just belonged to only him. But, my anger soon subsided when I realize he couldn't move. He was way to weak, what was his wolf thinking? Even if he would have been able to take over Derek's body completely, the transformation would have left him unable to move for about an hour, leaving him defenseless. I moved closer to him with caution. His face twisted up in pain, then he glared my way as I dropped down on my knees right beside him.

"Without me there wouldn't be a you and him!" His wolf growled in protest. I looked into his eyes and saw something there, a look of pain.. Not just because of the transformation, but there was something else. Just with me looking into those glowing eyes I couldn't see what was causing the internal pain, only the outer. So right now, I'll fix the outer. Then later I'd handle the inner. I placed my hands on both sides of my mate's face and took a deep breath letting my shield drop and my energy flow. I stared into his eyes and watched as his face turned up into surprise when he realized what I was doing.

"And without a him, there wouldn't be a you." I whispered as my energy started passing over to my mate. When I felt how weak his energy was, I panicked.. What had his wolf been trying to do? Surely not kill him! Because if I hadn't showed up, that's what would have happened. The fear that had taken over me made me call to him:  "Come back Derek, you may think no one will miss you or want you here, but I do!" I insisted. What would I do if you weren't here with me? "I'll miss you! I'll always want you here! So please, please comeback!" I yelled. What would happen to me if you weren't here to protect me? My emotions were on high alert, my eyes started to water, my energy leak out even more. I couldn't let him leave me alone. I let my family be taken from me. I wasn't going to let Derek be!

Then I felt him, I felt him pushing back to the surface.

That's it Derek! Come on!

Don't leave me!

Don't let anyone or anything take you away from me!


Stay here with me.

Derek's eyes slowly turned back to their normal color, relief flooded my whole body making a small smile press onto my lips as I placed my shield back up, closing my energy back in. When his eyes seemed to focus they were staring right up at me. His eyes ran over my face for a brief moment before he returned a breath taking smile. Who knew he would respond to my energy so well, but of course he was my mate, my only other half. This was good news though, very good news.

His eyes started to droop, of course he was tired.. The struggle between he and his wolf completely drained him. "It's okay, he won't be bothering you anytime soon, so please.. Please get some rest." I told my mate as I caressed his face gently. He managed to give me a weak nod. "Don't worry anymore Derek, I'm here, i'll protect you." I whisper as his eyes started to close. I had decided that here and now, no matter if he tried to push me away again after this, I'd help him. Even if he continued saying he didn't need it. I'd be there, even if he said he didn't want me. His eyes closed completely and the smile I had tried to keep there until he went to sleep turned into a deep frown. I'd protect him, I'd protect all of him, even the very part that's keeping us apart.

"I promise."

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