Chris x reader

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You tie your __(c)__ hair in a low pony tail as you walk down the street, your __(c)__ eyes were glistening in the sunlight. You wore a __(c)__ tank top covered up with a __(c)__ jacket, you wore knee-length jean shorts and __(c)__ boots that went up to your ankle.

After you saw on Television how Gingka and his friends beat Nemisis you decided you wanted to try beyblading. You wanted to become a great blader and get as much power as possible, though you never believed why friends were so important. Friends never mattered to you. You grew up in a small town with a population of about 20 people, non of which were kids, so you had no friends and felt different and distant from everyone else. You didn't have friends than and you've been doing fine, so why would you need friends now?

You sigh and finish tying up your hair. You're on your way to the Kester Town Beyblade Tournament, a tournament where the winner would receive 10 000 points. It was also a great place for a blader for hire like yourself, to get some good publicity. You were a blader for hire so that you could send the money to your parents in your home town, you were pretty poor and once you took up beyblade it was pretty much your only option. But you didn't really care that much.

After a few more munites of walking, you arrive at the tournament just before it begins. Your first 3 opponents are easy wins. No one could beat you. You were that good. Eventually you made it to the finals, you could see people already taking interest in you for hire so you knew that after this win you would get multiple offers. You smile and stand at your end of the stadium, waiting for your opponent. He arrives shortly.

"And here we go folks!" You hear Blader DJ yell when the boy reaches the stadium, "We've almost come to an end after this exciting battle, but it's not done yet! The final battle worth 10 000 points will be against __(f/n)__!" He motions his hand towards you, you show up on the big screen and wave for some attention. "and - one of the legendary bladers himself - Chris!" He motions his hand towards a average highted teenager with blonde hair, he smiles. "Ready to get this battle started?" yells Blader DJ.

"3, 2, 1, LET IT RIP!" The cround chants as me and chris send both of our beys flying into the arena.

"Legendary Blader of the Four Seasons - Chris. You helped Gingka and the others defeat Nemisis with your Orion, am I right?" You ask him across the stadium.

"You seem to know a lot about me." He says back.

"Well, I did watch the fight after all, you know, that fight is the reason why I started bey battling in the first place." You say. Chris smiles.

"Is that so?" He says, "Was it that you realized your love for beyblade? The friendship? The-" Chris is inturrupted with a huge laugh coming from you. "What's so funny?" He asks.

"The friendship?" You giggle, "I saw the power you all had, the power is what made me decide to take up beyblading. Your fight made me realize it." Chris begins to look puzzled.

"The power?" He asks, "what do you mean."

"You see where I come from, there were no children and I had no friends, I learned to cope with that." You say while summuning you bey to attack Orion, "The Nemisis fight made me realize how amazing beyblade is, the power, the winning," You hiss. "But I was shocked by you, Chris."

"What?" He says, shocked.

"You left your job as a blader for hire, earning lots of money while gaining exceptional power, for friends?" He growls.

"Don't tell me your a-" He starts.

"Blader for hire? Yes, that I am, and that is what I always will be." You say, "I use this to gain money for my family, plus I get exceptional experience and power with each opponent I take down."

"You don't understand!" Chris shouts, making his Orion attack your bey. You growl. "Beyblade isnt for money or power! Gingka made me realize that friend are important, they push you to do better, they help you with training and make you stronger too." You laugh at this.

"Friends mean nothing, I've never had any and I've been fine! What would make you think I need one now?" I say.

"Do you hear what your saying?!" Chris yells, "I understand what you mean, I was a blader for higher to become stronger and raise money for myself, but-"

"See that!" You yell, "Raise money for yourself! Well I DON'T raise money for myself, half the reason I do this is because my family needs the money! If didnt choose to become a blader for hire, we wouldnt survive!" You feel a hot tear run down your cheek. You couldnt beleive you were crying, you never criend. Crying was for the weak.

"Just listen to me!" Chris screams, "Freinds can help you with this! You don't have to be all alone! Listen to me!"

"No!" You shut him out and cover your ears with your hands. "I'll finish this now and it'll be over, I'll go back to doing more jobs and getting stronger, thats all there is to it!" Chris retreats.

"Orion!" He shouts, "Special Move- Barnards Loop!"

"__(bey name)__!" You scream, "_(insert special move)__!!"

They beys clash head on in a huge explosion the power blasts you back and you bang into the wall, feeling hurt you slowly stand back up and see the cloud of smoke disappear. Laying in the stadium is Orion, slowly spinning, and your bey, motionless. You fall to your knees.

"I-I lost.." You stutter, trying to block tears from escaping your eyes, "no one will ever hire a blader that loses like this, I'm ruined." You hear foot steps move closer to you and see your bey dropped to the ground in front of you, you pick it up and look over at the figure.

"You become stronger with the help of friends." Chris extends his hand out to you, "Friends help one another when they fall down and they encourage each other, thats how bladers get stronger." You hesitantly except his hand and he helps you up. You feel more tears entering your eyes and you bury your face into your hands.

"Friends will always be there for you." Chris whispers. Without thinking, you extend your arms and attack Chris with a hug, while sobbing into his shirt, he accepts your hug and hugs you back. "Friends will help you over come tough times, and will help you with anything you need." Chris pulls away from the hug. "friends?" He asks, holding out his hand again. You hesitate to answer this, but it just comes out.

"Hopefully more than that." You say and begin to slightly smile, as you except his hand. You both walk out of the arena and once you leave Chris links his hand with yours and gives you a light kiss on the cheek. You blush and hug him again.

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