The werehog kingdom

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Oh hello... So you came back?... Well then, lets start the story, the two kingdoms were waiting for you, now lets begin with the prince of wolfs.
Sonic was walking with his friend Knuckles, both of them were simply talking about the party that's coming up and the Mate that Sonic will have to Marry. yes the werewolfs find princess or Prince so the Young prince can get married and rule his kingdom.
"So your really going to try to find someone?" Asked the red echidna wolf
"Yes, my Father need me to get married as soon as possible" said the blue werhog
"Well, good luck then, i better get going, i need to do some hunting for the pack, I'll be seeing later"
"Alright, and good luck on your hunting Knuckles" said the blue werehog seeing his friend running towards the forest.
Sonic went back toward his castle but he saw that his dad was waiting for him
"Oh there you are" said Sonic's father
"Yes... Why do you call me here actually?" Asked the blue werehog
"Well first i want you to turn into a so called hedgehog"
Sonic didn't know how to but before he know it, he was a normal being, he was no longer a werehog
"Huh? But how?" Asked sonic looking at his body
"You have your mothers look... I married a normal hedgehog who was your mother... That way you have your mother's side"
"Dad why-"
"I want you to get out of the kingdom and search for your mate... Once your done searching, i want you to get married here"
"F-Father..." He couldn't think of nothing
"I noticed you love freedom... Well... Here is your freedom" he said walking towards his throne and nod at sonic meaning to go and have a little freedom while searching
"Thank you!" Said sonic running towards his father and hugging him.
Sonic then headed toward the gates of the kingdom, he was finely going to find and experience the world.
Sonic took a deep breath and went out of the gates, he looked around and notice that, this will be his new beginning as an actually hedgehog, he then headed toward a near by village were his father met his mom, if he only wish his mother was here with him.
Sonic walked towards the village and looked around, everyone seemed happy and some were even playing, sonic then went towards a hotel and the old man was sweet enough to let him stay for free, since he saw that sonic looked way to cute and adorable to say no... (Yup, sonic is an Uke!)
Sonic lay down on the bed and smile looking out the window
"This will be a great life!"
Said sonic to himself then looked at a shining star
"And you'll help me as well, right mom" said sonic talking to the star, the star then glowed bright and sonic hear a gently voice say 'I'll always help you, my son, and you'll see that everything will change'
Sonic then slowly fell asleep hoping that the new day will be even excited and more fun then today...

To be counted...

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