Soon the rest of the class filed in and as expected, the seat next to me was one of the first to go. I let out a frustrated sigh when I saw that Yvette was the one who took it.
"So," she started with a smile, seeming to forget our little run in earlier. "You've changed a lot," she said, looking towards the front of the room and not to me.
"Well, I guess finding out your a triplet of a tatted guy with a record and a world famous pop-star then being kidnapped and tortured for a week, really changes someone," I said sassily. I was never a fan of hers and I don't like that she's only talking to me becasue of what happened over the school break.
"What I mean is that you're standing up for yourself, you're swearing at me because you're finally fed up. I remember that you use to cringe at any swear word even if it wasn't directed at you," she finished.
"Well, sometimes normal words aren't strong enough," I said simply, trying to shrug her off. I just really wanted her to leave and go sit with her friends and not bother me. I'm fine going through this year without making any new friends. Like I wanted, she soon stood up and walked over to a group of girls at the back of the room who were giggling while taking photos and or videos. Geez, they're like five years older than me, I didn't think they'd be like gossiping high school girls.

Soon enough I had completed the class and was making my way across campus to my next and final one of the day, geography. The time was nearly 12 so I was paying close attention to my phone since I wanted to take the medicine exactly on 12.
"Oomph," I muttered as I bumped into someone and was nearly knocked over. "Sorr-" I started when I looked up to see who it was.
"Well well well," the familiar voice of Cal muttered as he cracked his knuckles. I looked up at him with wide eyes. What was he doing here?
"I thought-"
"You thought wrong," he interrupted with a smirk. "You didn't think I'd really graduate after only four years did you?"
I looked at him in both confusion and fear. Did he just insult himself?
Suddenly my alarm went off signally it was exactly 12.
"Wow, you're Mr. Popular now aren't you?" he spat, snatching my phone out of my hands as I turned off the alarm. In the background I saw my security slowly approaching the situation.
"What was that for?" Cal snarled, asking about the alarm. I just ignored him and pulled the needed pills out of my pocket.
"OI!" he yelled. "I'm talking to you!" he yelled, slapping my hand and knocking the pills out of it. They fell to the ground in slow-motion and as they fell I could feel myself start to panic. I didn't think to bring any others.
"Just because you have a famous brother now doesn't mean you get treated any different," he started to laugh but I had had enough. I stood up straight and just looked him dead in the eyes. By now there was a crowd starting to gather around us, no one bothering to stop it. Typical.
"Listen here mate," I spat angrily. "I don't know who you think you are but you're really starting to piss me off. If you haven't realised yet, I have a lot more things to worry about now so I don't need you. You're just a fucking dickhead who has no meaning in life. You don't even know the slightest about what's going on in my life and that's saying something since the whole world thinks they know everything but I can tell you that what you just did is NOT OKAY. I NEED THOSE OR I COULD HAVE A FUCKING HEART ATTACK AND DIE ON THE SPOT!" I yelled, finally standing up to him.
"You did not just do that," he growled, stepping forward and getting up in my face yet I did not back off.
"You know what, yes, I did, and I also did this," I snapped lifting my good arm up and slamming my fist into the side of his face. He cried out and stepped back, reaching up to touch his cheek. Once I saw that his cheek was sure to swell and the side of his nose was already starting to bruise, I smiled to myself.
"Hey!" the security guards all yelled, finally managing to break though the crowd of people who were now all 'owing' and 'aring.'
"You did not!" Cal yelled angrily, marching towards me but finally, I wasn't scared of him.
Suddenly I was short of breath and each breath I managed to take was sharp. They were agonising in my chest. I found it hard to breathe and I reached my hands up to my chest. It became harder and harder to breathe as I struggled. I started to panic and became light headed and dizzy. My vision became blurred and I started to loose my hearing.
Cal stopped marching towards me and dropped his raised fist. "What's he doing?" I heard him bark before I collapsed onto my knees.
"Daniel, get the medical kit. I have some of his meds," I deciphered from the mutter of sounds. I rested on all fours as I tried to catch my breath. I felt someone quickly kneel next to me and grab my head. The person quickly shoved something into my mouth which was soon followed by a large amount of water. I had no choice other then to swallow what was forced into my mouth but doing so made me feel like I was drowning. I tried coughing up the water but that did nothing to help with the breathing.
"Here!" another person soon yelled, racing over to me. I was forcibly made to lie on my back on the grass as a mask was placed over my mouth and nose. It made breathing slightly easier but each breath still ached in my chest. I could hear the panic all around me but over everything I could hear Cal's booming voice.
"Did I cause that?!" he yelled in what seemed like panic and remorse. "No. No. He can't die!" was the last thing that I heard before I had to take a break and dropped out of consciousness.

Harry, Edward and MarcelDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora