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The night was chilly

as the wind

engulfed me into a hug the moment I departed the presence of Bradley.

Fresh air.

No longer toxic.

But the tears fell as they wished

as my body ached in


That's what Brad is like;


So it was just me

walking alone

in the middle of night,

with tears freezing on my face.

But he was there,

the new boy.

Smoking a cigarette.

'What is a girl like you doing out alone at this time at night? Someone might get a little bad with you.'

He said

no emotion.

Oh the irony.

'Heading home.'

But I had no home to go back to.

Just a house

a broken house.

With broken people.


His demanding voice made me cringe,

but I did so

that's just me

always accepting.

'So why are you crying?'

I sat there in silence,

why does he care?

'Rough night.'

I settled on.

Not daring to look him in the eye.


He greeted without heart,

but I guess most people don't put forth emotions when they first meet you, do they.


Silence fell for some time.


I looked over to see that he was offering me a cigarette.

'oh, no I don't smoke.'

'You don't have to smoke to try. It's bad for you, but it takes the pain away. So it's worth it.'

I took the tiny tobacco filled cylinder

and fiddled with it

in between my fingers.

'It doesn't take the pain away.

Just subsides it.'

I finally mumbled, not sure if he could hear me.

'Better than nothing.'

He had a point,

so with that,

I lit the tip and inhaled.

It burned

my throat

my lungs.

It hurt so bad

so bad that it felt good.

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