My friend’s were happy, I was happy, I was with Emery, Emery is happy, and over all everything was just great. Okay, maybe everything isn’t great because there was Emery’s birthday in not even two weeks. I don’t know if he’s staying or what and I don’t want to bring it up because Emery hates when I talk about it. 

“You coming, Cedes?” Silver laughs. I shake my head, sigh, and follow the girls in the mall. “isn’t everything weird with you and Alexandra?” Silver questions in a low voice. 

I shrug. “I haven’t talked to Noah since the night, so its not really awkward. Maybe if I was talking with Noah then it would be but I’m not so…” I chuckle. 

Silver nods. “How are you and Emery?” 

“We’re good, you and Chance?” I ask. 

Silver immediately brakes out into a grin. “I’ve never been more happier,” Silver loops her arm around my arm and dreamily lays her head on my shoulder. “he treats me like a princess and we’re just in love, Cedes. I know we’re young and all that BS but we are.” 

“You know what? I’m happy for you two, I really am.” Silver smiles at me. 

Silver gasps and jumps up. “Brittany! We need lingerie for Alexandra and Cedes!” Silver yells as she runs to Brittany. I roll my eyes and chuckle. 

Out of all friends, why Silver…


After coming home from the mall with the girls, everyone left. Of course Brittany and Cade stayed but they were no harm. I was just glad it was silent and calm in my house. I needed to be relaxed after the long three hours running around the mall. They practically had to force the clothes on me. 

I guess it was fun though. Once you got Alexandra talking, you got her talking. She was very funny and was pretty perverted like us. She definitely fit in our little group. So, I guess the mall was a success and we totally need to do it again but just not so soon. 

When I got home from the mall, the guys told me Emery was in his room. You know me being me, I was ready to watch some movies, cuddle a little, and pig out on food. But no, no, no, no Emery wasn’t up for it. He was fast asleep and snoring away. So for the past couple hours I’ve been on tumblr, literally doing nothing. 

I jump in my skin when I feel my bed dip a little but then I relaxed my tense muscles when I figure its only Emery. And when I feel lips press to my neck I knew I had guessed right. I shut my laptop close and put it on my side table near my bed. 

“How was the mall?” Emery asks as he lightly nibbles on my ear. I feel some of Emery’s weight on my back, letting me know he’s laying on top of me, and his arms wrap around my torso. 

“It was fun and we got a lot of cute clothes. How was your nap?” I question. 

Emery chuckles. “It was good. Sorry I wasn’t awake when you came home. I was tired but anyway I have a question,” I nod as I flip us around and straddle Emery’s…naked waist. Oh my God…. He was ripped, how could I have not realized that?! Sure, I saw his body once back at our camp trip but damn. “you’re staring,” Emery laughs. 

I roll my eyes and grab his hands, our casts awkwardly there. “So what’s up?” I wonder as I tear my eyes away from his perfectly sculptured body. 

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