part 1

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idek what this is gonna be. the pic above is what gave me this idea (wowza)
song: karaoke - smallpools

Even the glass walls of the coffee shop couldn't keep the sounds from the bustling city out.
"Pick me up and we'll make a movie. I'm acting like the world can't hold me down."
The lyrics blocked out all the noise in the small space and helped her focus on highlighting lines in the arid packet. A yawn escaped her lips as she went to take a sip from her now cold latte. Everybody knew college was difficult, but the lack of sleep caused for help from some beans and leaves.
She took out her headphones and stood from her table, making her way to the counter of the tiny shop. After asking for a refill, she moved away from the counter to let the other customers forward. Dodging fanny-packs and "I LOVE NY" t-shirts, she made her way near the pick up counter to wait for her order.
"Iced Chai latte?" asked the barista after a few minutes. She grabbed the drink and turned to walk back to her table. As she passed the door to reach her destination, she nearly ran into someone as it opened.
"Oh I'm so sorry, I didn't see you there," a stranger said. She looked up and instantly recognized the face from the tabloids, even when it was hidden by a wide rimmed hat and sunglasses.
"Don't worry about it; I wasn't really paying attention anyways. I sort of zoned out there," she replied. As he went to walk away, she quickly stuttered out "I like your shirt," to keep the conversation going.
He turned to her, realizing she knew him. "Thanks, it's not my favorite though," he said and gave a slight chuckle.
"Why do you wear it then?" she questioned, curious.
"I have to maintain a certain 'image' in public. It's not a bad shirt but it's not one I would particularly wear if I had a choice," he told her. She looked at him and nodded with an understanding look. It was silent for a second, and then he asked "Would you like a picture or something? Fans usually like that."
"No I wouldn't like a picture, Mr. Styles," she said. As he was turning away she said "But I would like to buy you a drink."
"No offense, but I can afford my own drinks," he politely declined.
"I know you can afford your own drinks. I wasn't asking you in a romantic way. I was asking you because I know you don't get a lot of regular human contact with people you just met. I was also asking because there's something bothering you, and I wanted you to take your mind off of it." He tilted his head slightly at her last comment. "I'm really good at reading people's body language. You haven't stopped moving in some way. You were either shifting your weight or twisting your ring on your finger. Plus you're back is slouched like you're carrying an imaginary heavy burden," she told him.
"What's your name?" he asked her.
"Well, Faye, I think I'm going to take you up on that drink," he replied.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2015 ⏰

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