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This is a fanfiction for the web series Critical Role, hosted on the Twitch channel of the nerd empire "Geek & Sundry". Eight voice actors and actresses, accompanied by a voice actor DM, having fun at D&D, being generally BAMFs all over the place (with the occasional critical failure to lighten the mood). I can't stress enough how epic the cast is. Voice actors plus D&D equals goosebumps.

This is dedicated to the cast of the show. You guys rock. Thank you for your work, please continue until you're old and gray, and then some. Also, may that be delayed by at least four to five decades.

Your names shall be marked down in the great book of remembrance in the mead halls of nerd heaven.

Liam O'Brien as Vax'Ildan, the half-elven rogue, one half of the Deadly Twins;

Laura Bailey as Vex'Ahlia, the half-elven ranger, the other half of the Deadly Twins;

Ashley Johnson as Pike Trickfoot, the gnomish cleric;

Sam Riegel as Scanlan Shorthalt, the gnome bard;

Travis Willingham as Grog Strongjaw, the Goliath barbarian;

Taliesin Jaffe as Percival Fredrickstein von Musel Klossowski De Rolo III, also known as Percy, the human gunslinger;

Marisha Ray as Keyleth, the elven druid of the Air Ashari;

Orion Acaba as Tiberius Stormwind, the dragonborn sorcerer;

Matt Mercer, the Dungeon Master.

Alright, let's embark on the journey!

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