Cosnach...worst companion EVER!

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Skyrimers I will warn you about Cosnach and how he is the worst companion EVER.Cosnach used to have a job in the trading company's in Markarth.He doesn't do that no more because of Forsworn attacks so what does this guy do?
"I just sit here and drink" that is what he does! He spends his time in the Markarth inn.
The drunk was my companion for a little bit after my best companion Stenvar died.Let's just say he is slow and can't keep up with me and he pussy's out if you want him to commit a crime.I spent my time making him armour and a daedric mace was it worth it? Fuck no...
On the other hand Cosnach will fight in battle with enemies but that voice.I hate that drunken voice I swear if I ever hear it again...(I probably will because there are a lot of drunks in Skyrim and its the same voice actor xD).He dies very easily too I had to load my game just to get him back! Also he tells me to go for the enemy in the middle the logic is...sometimes there are no enemies actually in the middle!
I never found out how he would react with me if I wolfed out coz I never did when I was around him.Probably incase he was a Lycanphobe and incase he might smite me.Neither the less I left him it was the best thing to do.He's back in the inn drinking his life away.
And that's why Cosnach is the worst companion...EVER...

Cosnach the worst companion...EVERWhere stories live. Discover now