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"Delilah can you please come up and answer the question on the board?" My math teacher, Mrs. Burns asked me.

I took in a deep breathe and walked up slowly to the board. I grabbed the chalk from Mrs. Burns hand and shakily brought my hand to the board. I pressed the chalk against the board and heard snickering behind me.

I looked back to my classmates, all trying to hold their laughter in.

"We don't have all day Ms. Young. Please write the answer on the board." My teacher said exhaling her breathe, obviously getting annoyed. While the class laughed at her comment.

I quickly wrote down an answer and lowered my head walking back to my desk.

Mrs. Burns shook her head looking at the answer I had written sloppily on the board.

"I am afraid this is wrong. Can anyone give me the correct answer." She said, making me sink down into my chair even more from embarrassment.

She looked around the classroom, looking for a volunteer. Only one hand was raised out of the entire classroom full of students.

"Yes Ashton, what's the answer?"

Ashton. Ashton Irwin. The captain of the soccer team. The genius of the school. The guy that every guy in the school wants to be like. The guy that every girl wants to be with. That was Ashton Irwin. My best friend since we were in diapers, we were next door neighbors. Just before year 9 his mom married her rich boyfriend. They moved to the rich side of the town and left me behind forgetting about our friendship. We still went to the same school in year 9 but he didn't even look in my direction or speak to me. I was nothing to him and I have been for the past 4 years but once I graduate this year I won't have to see him ever again.

Still to this day I couldn't get over the fact that my best friend left me. It caused me to start building walls around me, that no one could get passed them and it didn't help when my mom committed suicide. The walls got higher and then my dad turned into a raging alcoholic, my walls got even higher.

"X over 2 times 12" Ashton answered as if it was the easiest question in the world.

"Yes that's correct, very good Ashton." Mrs. Burns said as Ashton smiled happily. I watched as Mrs. Burns write down equations on the board to do with a partner. Everybody ran around the room to their best friends and their was me sitting at my desk looking around the room. No one wanted to be my partner. Delilah Young was a nobody, a freak, a loner, no one wanted to partner with that.

I let out a sigh and started to write down the problems on a piece of paper. Once I got them all written down, I stared at them. It looked like a foreign language to me. Nothing made any sense whatsoever. So I just sat there staring off into space, until the bell finally rang.

Everyone got up and started to head out of the door when Mrs. Burns called out saying our homework was the problems we didn't finish, just fucking great.

I was headed to the door when Mrs. Burns told me to stay after class. I waited till everyone left and walked over to her desk.

"You needed me Mrs. Burns?" I said acting like I didn't know what the problem was, but I knew, I was failing.

"Delilah, I am afraid to say that you are failing, so I am going to need your father to sign this form. Also I am going to get you a tutor and they will tutor every Monday and Friday, after school." She said handing me a form and the tutoring information.

"When do need the form in by? Who will be my tutor?"

"If you can have the form to me by the end of this week that would be great. Your tutor will be Ashton Irwin, and with his help I need you to get a 70% to pass and graduate high school."

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