Chapter 2

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My alarm woke me up. I shut it off. Man I hate that thing. So.etimes I just wih that I could throw it against the wall.

I groggily get my body out of the warm and comfy sheets and head into the shower.

When I was done, I put on my out fit for the day which was a pair of jeans and a black shirt with a low neck.

I do my hair the way I like it and I grab my cologne which I put on lightly.

I put on my black converse and grabbed my things.

" Bye mum and Gemma!" I shout and start walking to school. I shove my earphones in and click on my playlist. I Bob my head to the music and continue walking to school.

I get to school and go to my locker. I put in my books and go to my first class which was P.E.

Louis is in that class so I sometimes like to show off my muscles. We don't know each other that well but I wish we could.

I change into a pair of shorts and my extra shirt.

All the boys get in and get dressed. I lock my things and jog out into the gym.

" Ally!" I shout and smile.

" Harry!" She mimicks me playfully.

" Oh shut up." I sock her lightly in the shoulder. She only laughs at my fake weak attempt.

" Hey! Don't make fun of me! I have muscle." I flex for her and she fells my arm.

" In your dreams Hazza." She shakes her head. Then the teacher comes in and blows his whistle. Very loudly I might add.

" Alright! Everyone head out to the court! We're playing basketball!" He blows his whistle again and we all jog out to the basketball court.

I talk with Ally the whole way.

We all stop at the court.

" Okay team captains are Louis and Shelly!" He blows his whistle again.

Oh no.

" Okay. I choose....... Ally! Louis shouts and Ally grins and makes her way to Louis. They're good friends so I understand why he chose her.

" Okay. Harry!" Shelly points to me and I walk over there as cool as I can.

Louis and Shelly choose their teammates and we start the game.

I was the tallest on my team and a kid named Liam was the tallest on Louis' team.

" Hey Liam." I smile.

" Hi." He smiles back at me.

Coach lets go of the ball and I smack it to Yasmin who is in our team.

She dribbles to a basket and passes it to me. I pass it to Fred and he shoots and makes a 3 pointer.

The game goes on and we are tied. 16 to 16.

" Okay the bells about to ring so whoever can make the next shot wins the game!" Coach blows his whistle again. He seriously needs to stop blowing that thing.

Will passes it to me and I shoot it but miss.

Everyone groans as Louis' team wins.

" Nice shot Styles." Someone growls at me. I put my hands up defensively.

I guess jocks take these type of things seriously.

" Geez its just gym class." I shake my head and sprint towards the locker room. I don't want to be late for English.

I change quickly and put on some deodarant and redo my hair.

I grab my backpack and slung it over my shoulder.

" Nice job there mate." A hand slaps my shoulder and I look up and see Louis.

" Uh thanks." I say and rush out the door. I'm a little bit of a goody too shoes.

I make it to English just seconds before the bell rings.

" Okay class. I will take the attendance." Mrs. Fall walks to her desk.

I say my name then zone her out for the rest of the class.


After the next two classes I have lunch and that's where I am.

I mett Ally and a few other friends at a table by the window.

" So I heard your team lost to Louis' team. " Niall said as he took a bite of his sandwich.

I nod. " But Ally was on the other team. " I pat her back.

" Yay. You beat Harry!" Zayn exclaimed.

I shook my head.

" Don't laugh at the poor guy." Liam says disapprovingly.

" Ah well at least I tried." I said shrugging. " Most of the guys are pissed at me because I lost the game but I don't really care." I take a bit of my sandwich.

The bell rings and I groan. " I didn't even get to eat today." I pouted.

Everyone laughed at me.

As I walked away, I felt someone looking at me. I turned around and saw Louis making a call me sign.

I nodded and gave him a thumbs up and a cheeky smile. He blushed and walked off towards his friends.

I couldn't keep myself from smiling.

My phone beeped.

Hey babes. I got your # from Liam haha.

My eyebrows creased together. Who was that?

I quickly texted a reply and sat down in my seat for Chemistry.

It's Louis babes. Call me later. Kay?


And class started so I put away my phone. My mum expects good grades from me, so I will have to keep Louis away for a little while.

Hiii. So the date with Bianca is tomorrow. What move will Louis make next? Stay tuned. I will post again tomorrow and maybe everyday for the week except for Friday!





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