Mental Peice Chapter 1

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As I woke up from my nap, I saw the gender confused Grell bent over me. I sat up while pushing my glasses up. I slowly stood up, leaning on my scythe. The Undertaker had given me the scythe as well as my cloak. He was like a father to me when I needed shelter from my partner.

Grell: " Why do you take naps in alleys? You are the only girl reaper we have!"

I bowed my head slowly and waited for him to tell me what to do next. I brought my head up and saw Grell shaking his head.

Grell: " You need help. Maybe Will can help you."

My eyes widened. 'Not Will! He would never let me out of the reaper library.

Tori: " Not William? He is too strict!"

Grell looked down at me and raised his eyebrow. He patted my head and nodded.

Grell: " Okay, but you still need to learn. I wonder if my Bassy-chan can take you in."

I smiled and fist pumped the air. Grell tackled me in a hug so I let him swing me around.

Tori: " Can you let me go, now?"

Once I was back on my own feet again, I picked up my scythe. I examined the red head reaper who was looking towards London. I looked too, and saw records going up like crazy.

Grell: " Come on. We need to go back to London to get those records."

I clapped and ran towards the burning city. Dead people laid in the streets and an angel stood on top of a building, watching the flames burn everything. I sliced through all the records near me and stared at the angel.

Tori: " What is an angel doing here, Grell?"

Grell shrugged and left me with my thoughts. I squinted through my glasses to see better and saw a man in black next to the angel. No! Wait...that man was a demon. An angel and a demon standing side by side looking down at a boy with an eyeptach. I ran to where Grell stood and pulled on his sleeve.

Grell: " What is it, Tori?"

Will was there so I hid behin the red head.

Tori: " There is a boy with an eyepatch and a demon in black."

I spoke only loud enough for him to hear me. He followed me back to where I saw the boy and demon. the boy was still there, but the demon wasn't up on the roof.

Tori: " Why is he wearing an eyepatch?"

Grell: " That is Ciel Phantomhie. His head butler is Sebastian Michealis. Is that who you saw, Tori?"

I thought about it while staring at the boy. ' Ciel Phantomhive, head of Phantomhive manor and the Phantomhive company. He's only thirteen, though. His parents died when he was young and his soul is still pure, but wants revenge. He has a demon butler so there is a contract with them. He is going to die soon. Tonight is the night he lets it slip.'

Grell: " Are you okay, Tori?"

Grell looked at me worriedly with a hand on my shoulder. I watched as Ciel ran away from the flames. 'The flames will consume all.' I heard a common sense whisper from the roof top where the angel was.

Tori: "Let's get back to our job, Grell."

We left the scene and went to a new area in the town. After we completed the collecting the records, we headed back to the institution. I swung my scythe around until I got bored so I looked around.

Tori: " Grell, do we have to go back?"

Grell: " Yes! William is waiting for us."

I pouted and Grell giggled at me.

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