sally's regret and expanation

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Amy: says the person who let five dudes almost rape me!!


Sally: no I didnt, I was the one trying to save you, no I did save you.

Amy: then who was the sally watching me?

Sally: my now evil twin.

Amy: I don't believe you!! * throws blade* bitch

Sally: its true* gets cut* grh listen to me Amy.

Amy: no*swap kicks*

Sally: *blocks grabs wrist and flips Amy over*

Amy: *lands on back & back flips away* not this time


Silver: Tails are you sure your going the right way. I mean we are in a forest.

Rouge: by the way why are we in the forest by Amy's house?

Tails: I ran from the house and if I calculated this right they moved and are somewhere in the forest.

Shadow:*ear twitches* I hear something.

Sonic: same.

Chaos spear zooms right past blaze's shoulder

Blaze: ahhh

???: are you trying to kill me?!?


Sonic: Sally?!?

Sally: S-Sonic what a-are you doing here?!

???: beat it Sonic. This fight is between me and Sally.

Sonic: who are you?!?

???: your worst nightmare

Sally: now Rebel-

Cream: weird name for a boy in black

???:*growls* I'm not a boy I have boobs.

Silver: you sou-*bullet misses him by a cm*...ahhh!!

???: really a deladed reaction?!?

Silver: hey I have-

Rebel: don't care*throws knife at Sally*

Sally:*knife gets stuck in arm**groans and passes out*

Shadow:*attacks Rebel*

Rebel:*dodges & snap kicks him into a tree* sorry got to go *activates sleep bomb* bye, see you never!!*leaves*

Shadow:*groans* she's strong *looks around* shit


Blaze: ugh my head!

Silver: never want to see her again

Tails: did anyone notice she didn't want to fight us?

Sonic: maybe she was to chicken to fight or it wasnt far I mean 7 against 1 no brainer or

Tails: no she was hesitant and figety to even fight shadow alone. But as we all saw she is fully capable on even hurting him.

Cream: Tails is right, it was like she didn't want to hurt anyone of us.

Sally: except me. She wants revenge on me.

Shadow: now why is that?

Sally: you'll have to know her and the story. It'll take awhile.

Silver: we got time.

Sally: OK. Her "name" is Rebel. She came crying into the G.U.N ground crying with hatred and anger and ...

Tails: and?

Sally: and. Distrust,sadness,and betrayel.

Blaze: is her name really Rebel?

Sally: no one in the G.U.N knows. She came out of the blue. Became the #1 at everything she did. No one could beat her in anything. And she did it in only a few years.

Shadow: that explains why I could not land a hit on her. Also her strength and speed in attacks.

Sally: she's fast at everything she does.

Sonic: why does she wear black?

Sally: that, I don't know. She always wears dark colors and clothes. She's never really visible to anyone.

Cream: why do her clothes cover her whole body?

Sally: idk, but there are a lot of stores that people made up. Like mine is she probably has scars she wants no one to see or she doesn't want anyone to know what she looks like.

???: both are true

Sonic: who said that?

???: Dr.eggman

Shadamy love story season 1: amy' s courage and bravery to love a dark soulOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora