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1. Thou shall not break thy vow of maiden hood. A.K.A. Stay a virgin.

2. Thou shall not flirt with males. Especially those of the cursed Apollo.

3. Ignore thy brother Apollo. Feel free to injure thee if thy dare approacheth.

4. Do not hunt animals for sport, only out of necessity.

5. Keep silver on thee at all times, thee never knowith when Lycaon is around.

6. Keep thy mouth clean. (A.K.A. keep it PG 13, at least abbreviate.)

7. At the bottom of thy form, to prove thy hath readeth these rules, Type out the Oath of the Hunter as seen here to the best of thy knowledge. (Doesn't hath to be exact, but the jist of it.)

I pledge myself to the Goddess Artemis. I turn my back on the company of men, accept eternal maidenhood, and join the Hunt.

8. You must wear silver at all times when in the presence of others outside of the hunt.

9. Lieutenants must keep their circlet on at all times.

10. I RP Artemis and the Lieutenant(s?)

Hunters of Artemis RPWhere stories live. Discover now