Your rating for it: 9/10 :)

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Username: ClarieRenee

Software: Sony Vegas Pro 0.11

What you like about it: Vegas Pro is not too advanced, but it's also not a basic editor. You can learn how to use it on Youtube using user's tutorials. The rendering doesn't take so long, and the quality is pretty good. The only thing about this editor, is that it's pretty expensive.

Why you think it's good to use: It has lots of titles, transitions, and effects to use. It also has overlay and cropping, which a lot of editors don't have (It makes it easy to crop out the symbols and etc. on the video you downloaded if you did). I also think that editing the music and sounds in this editor is more efficient than many others.

Your rating for it: 9/10

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Username: Dragon_Ridder55

Software: Video Editor {For android tablets}

What I like about it: Its very simple but not too basic. It lets you use pictures or videos and you can add backround music. It was already installed and I thought "Hey Jacy, (Sorry that was an Uncle Si moment) I could use this for trailers!"

Why I think its good to use: The design is simple so you know what you're doing. It has a lot of trasitions and effects. Like I said, you can add music and sound effects.

Your rating for it: 8/10

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Username: Kras12

Software: iMovie

What you like about it: I like it because it's very organized and easy to use (for me at least) and you can add music, sound effects, transitions, photos, all that jazz

Why you think it's good to use: See Above

Your rating for it: 8/10

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So, it seems to be that Sony Vegas is the most used software out of the people I asked. I'm in love with it so I promise you'll come to the dark side.

UPDATE [2020]

Hey all you cool cats & kittens (anyone get that reference??)

I recently started using a new software that I noticed no one had talked about yet. So I wanted to share it with you, my friends!

Username: brookieismyname

Software: Adobe Premiere Pro

What you like about it: I love this software! It has a lot of the same benefits as Sony Vegas products. It's easy to organize and, once you get used it, easy to use. It comes with a lot of free text presets. It also comes with a lot of new effects. You're able to adjust the color and sound in ways you are not with other softwares.

Why you think it's good to use: See Above [I now realize this question is exactly the same as the one above, haha]

Your rating for it: 10/10

Tip: You can download the free trial for 'Sony Vegas Movie Studio', and when that's up, you can download the free trial for 'Sony Vegas Pro' The software's are very similar, and you can get more than two months without paying a dime.

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