Everybody Talks

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They couldn't believe it, how did word spread that fast. Even though they are seniors in high school, Regina and Robin just couldn't believe how fast word spread. Oh and the many different versions they were hearing. It was just a kiss. Walking down they hallway Regina had overheard someone saying that they made out in the backseat of his car, and he had heard that people were say thing that his parents arranged a date for them and that's how they ended up kissing.

In her trigonometry class all she could hear was the whispers about her all around. Though the teacher didn't seem to notice, he never noticed anything she could get up and walk out of class and he still wouldn't know. Mr. Gold would always just sit at his desk and tell them to copy what was on the board, then he would engulf himself in a large cup of coffee and some old book that nobody has ever heard of. So she took advantage of that she took out her phone as. Started to text Robin but she realized he was in Mrs. Page's class and she was so strict people would say she could be the defendant of the maleficent herself. She Tegina placed her cell back in her bag and her attention was caught by Ruby someone who she didn't call a friend but they were acquaintances.

"Hey Regina," she whispered even though the teacher wouldn't notice if she spoke at regular volume," so me and Emma have been coming up with ship names for you and Robin and so far the best we've got is outlawqueen."

"Outlawqueen? Where in hell did you get that from," Regina whispered back to her.

"You know because robin steals all the hearts of the girls in school, and you are like some scary evil queen bitch," she paused and smiled at her cleverness," so Outlawqueen."

"Whatever," Regina said rolling her eyes.

Regina copied whatever unnecessary stuff she had to on the board and soon she heard the lunch bell ring. She practically jumped out of the classroom as soon as she could, after stacking her book quickly and neatly in her left arm. She looked around the hallway to see if she could spot Robin through the pools of crazy high schoolers filing through the halls. Then she thought about the place he would be: the cafeteria. She rushed there bumping shoulders with many people who were in her way. Until she got there and she saw him sitting at the lunch table. He sat there with his blue and yellow sports jacket and denim jeans. Surrounded by desperate cheerleaders and his fellow footballs teammates. She walked over and grabbed his hand.

"Oh my Robin, this crazy, we shared just a simple kiss and now everyone has there own version of it. And I mean everyone! The nerds, jocks, hipsters, even the waitress at granny diner has her version of it," Regina said pulling him from the lunch cafeteria into the quiet hallway.

"I know, boy does word spread fast in high school. It was just last night and already everyone knows about it," he rambled," I think we should give them what they want so most of there lies won't be," he said with a lustful smirk.

"And why would we do that," she decided she would play with him a bit.

"So, they won't make up rumors so everyone will only know one story," he explained.

"I do agree Robin but there will always be rumors," she moved the books in her arm into both arms.

"Why is that?"

"Because everybody talks, Robin," with that she pranced off glancing back at him to see the smile that appeared on his face.

"I bit to much if you ask me!" He called back to her.

Outlawqueen one shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant