"Come on." Harry murmured as he led me outside of the hotel lobby. I followed him silently, slightly heartbroken by his response.

There was a black Lamborghini waiting for us. The lavish sedan was jet-black and sleek, its rims all effulgent and shimmering.

It was one of those cars that my father only dreamt of owning. Of course I figured that Harry's father was rich since he was a businessman and was friends with hotel owners but this made me wonder exactly how wealthy he was. Although at times rude, Harry was actually a humble guy, he kept it all low-profile.

As the bellboy loaded the boot with our baggages, the doorman opened the car door for us. "Hope you had a nice stay." He flashed a warm smile at us. "We did, thank you." I smiled back.

Harry entered first and slowly pulled me in with a grip on my hand. There was a grey-haired middle aged man sitting at the other end of the leather seat. He was dressed in an opulent suit, complete with a classy tie.

"There's my boy." He chortled, patting his son on the back. His voice sounded oddly similar to Harry's, except it was huskier.

"Hey, dad." Harry smiled. "It's so good to see you again. I really needed to get away from mum and Daniel."

"Right, right." He laughed. "And you must be a friend of Harry's? Girlfriend?" He beamed at me.

"Yeah, this is Helena. My girlfriend." He proudly answered for me as the car began to take off. Why was he introducing me as his girlfriend already? I never said I was.

"A great pleasure to meet you, sir." I extended a hand.

"Same to you. Please call me Mr Jonah." He replied, shaking my hand. "So what does your father do, Helena?" He asked, leaning back against the seat.

"Business. But he's nowhere as big as you." I answered honestly.

"Oh, don't say that. An arrow launches you into victory only after it is pulled back. Have patience." He told me. "So Harry, your band's playing tonight? Why isn't Daniel taking part?"

"Daniel's quit the band. He isn't in shape to play anyway." Harry shrugged.

"Now, you know I don't like you two fighting, and I can sense that you have been." My breath slightly drew back.


"Feels so good to be back home!" Harry exclaimed as he stretched his arms. As we entered the large mansion, two plump ladies dressed in maid's dresses trotted over to carry our bags. The marble floor was lustrous, it must've been polished everyday.

Another maid, a skinnier one, rushed down the spiralling stairs carrying a big, rectangular case. "A welcoming gift." Mr Jonah grinned as the maid handed the case over to Harry. 

With a few clinks, the case was unlocked and Harry peered into it with wide, ecstatic eyes. "This is sick!" He exclaimed, taking a crimson Gibson electric guitar out of it. "Best welcoming gift ever! Thanks, dad."
His father seemed to be more supportive of his interests than his mother. No wonder they were so close.

"Harry," Mr Jonah placed a hand on his son's shoulder, their identical green eyes making contact. "I want you to follow your dreams no matter what, you hear me? Don't let anyone distract or discourage you."


Lunch was silent. Harry and I sat on opposite ends of the massively long dining table as we feasted on all sorts of delicacies prepared by the house's personal chef. Well, while Harry feasted on numerous delicacies. My stomach wasn't naggy, although it was empty. Mr Jonah had left the house to attend to some business related duties.

"Harry." I called. 

"Yeah?" He took a spoon of baked beans in before looking at me.

"I'm sorry, alright?" I apologized. I'd been thinking to myself and realized that I shouldn't have interfered in on his private matter. It was a personal and senstive issue. It didn't have anything to do with me and it was his right to keep it a secret. I didn't blame him for getting defensive. "I was just a little worried, that's all." I told him.

Harry put his spoon and fork down. "I'm not crazy, Helena." He affirmed. "I just take the meds to deal with stress and... depression. The antipsychotics are for my bipolar disorder. I have small mood swings, but that's it."

I was taken back to the time when I first met Harry. Our conversation was odd and somewhat fluky. I did notice that his behaviour was a little weird. His parent's divorce must've played a major role in it as well. I began to sympathise him. "I understand. Nothing's wrong with that."

"I just got defensive because I was afraid you'd treat me differently if you found out." He sighed, running his fingers through his messy hair. "People just assume that you're crazy when you take medicine for the mind."

"Harry, I'm not one of those people. Trust me on that. I understand that some people have problems and they deal with them in different ways." I told him. "It doesn't mean you're crazy." I laughed.

"Thanks for understanding." A half smile slowly appeared on his face as he gazed at me from across the table. "You're different, Helena."

We watched each other for a few moments before I broke the silence. "By the way... 'girlfriend'?" I smirked.

Before he could reply, my heart jumped when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out to find that I'd received a message from... Daniel.

'It isnt my kid. its confirmed. i rly need to talk to u, hel.' It read.

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