My Remembrance

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The accident:

You always remember your first kiss but for me that is a different story. I was diagnosed with longterm memory loss when I was sixteen. I was driving with a friend a couple weeks after I got my license and it was down-pouring. I was on the highway and I was getting of at exit seven when I lost control of my car. We went spinning off the road, then we were rolling down a hill in a deeply

forested area . Caitlyn's head had a huge gash on it and she was bleeding profusely. I blacked out for a couple of minutes and when I woke up Caitlyn didn't respond to me. I could tell she was dead. I couldn't call for help and I almost lost hope. I thought I would die there too. But when I didn't come home my parents knew something was wrong.

I loved to watch law and cop shows as I grew up and I remembered from one that I had about eight days to be found before I died. The first day felt like any ordinary day. Well at least how long it felt. But as the days went on each day felt longer and longer. As the fourth day came I was so thirsty but I knew that every thing would be okay. Somebody must have been looking for me. But the longer I waited the weaker I grew.

On day seven I regained some hope when I herd my dad yelling my name I tried to respond to him but I was so weak I couldn't talk. It was painful to hear him and other people screaming my name for what seemed like forever! I knew that they weren't that far away but their voices started to fade. I wasn't about to give up I knew that they would find me eventually. I had to hold on for as long as I could. But on the eighth day their voices sounded further and further away. I knew that I could make it. I just knew I could!

It was the ninth day and the police told my parents that the probability of finding me alive was very slim to nothing ,but my dad said "My daughter is a fighter. She is alive where ever she is. If you don't believe me then give up but I am most certainly not giving up on her when she needs me the most! I plan on finding her and no one is going to get in my way. I love her and I would go to the ends of the world to find her."

At that moment the police officers told my dad that they will continue to look and they will stay out of his way. They eliminated all the places they have already looked. They came up with ten mile area to look in. I heard my dad instructing everyone where to go and I regained all my hope that I would be found.

As they came closer and I could see them but at that point I couldn't call out to them. They went in the wrong direction! I tried to scream and I couldn't. I was so weak but I knew a way to get their attention. I just needed to move my arm and honk the horn! It hurt so much to move but it was my last hope. It felt like my arm was broken but I did it! They came running towards me and at that moment I blacked out!

The hospital :

When I awoke I was laying in a bed in an all white room. I couldn't move or feel my legs. There was a strange man in the room with me and he kept on talking to me like I knew him. But I had no clue who he was!

Finally I asked him, "Who are you?" He responded, "You don't remember me?" I told him no and he started bawling! I swore he was in hysteria!

Then he continued between his weeps, "That isn't important to you right now since you can't remember me." Now that I thought of it I had no clue where I was or how i got here and why I was there!

Then someone else walked in the room. He was tall, slender, handsome, and wearing a labcoat with a name tag on it that read Dr. Reese. I felt so clueless and confused because I had no idea who anyone was or where I was. I tried to remember anything from before I somehow ended up here but I couldn't even remember my name. I couldn't stop thinking about how sore I was and then I realized that Dr. Reese was talking to me. He asked me if I was listening to him and I shook my head no. Then he started again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2017 ⏰

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