Chapter: 2 Emily JoAnne Carlson

Start from the beginning

He places his hands on top of his head, " well you'll want to dress casually sense it isn't a date it's just going as friends, act like yourself but remember make sure you do things she wants to do as well, and do things you want to do, don't make it all about you, because again you want to get to know her, but be yourself. That's you, who people want to be friends with not someone your not, and again just do things you both like to do. Get to know each other."

He smiles and looks at me. "So your starting school tomorrow." I nod my head yes. "You excited?"

I give him a sarcastic look, "are you serious? I am excited for the learning part but I hate meeting people and being the new girl. But other than that, I love it and I'm excited!" I said truthfully.

He shakes his head. "God woman your weird."

I laugh. "I know." I give him a small smile.

*********** Later that night********
~play music now~
After supper I decided to head out to the pasture and spend some time with the horses to think about some things, I haven't had time for just my self and my thoughts.

As I climb on top of the blanket I had set down on the big round bale of hay in the middle of the pasture, moms horse, Spirit, came up to me and nudged my leg.

I pet the top of her head lightly and lay down. I look up at the stars that scatter across the sky.

I couldn't help but notice my thoughts were going every which way. Starting from, my dad to wondering about school, to when I'll see Brad and meet his kids again.

After awhile of a long process of thoughts I slowly find my way drifting off into a deep sleep.

"Who is she?"

"She looks like a freak!"

"She'll never be popular."

"I bet she's a fake country girl."

"I heard she was the one who put Chris into the hospital."

"Is she really the knew guys sister?"

As I walked to my first period class this is all I heard. Different comments were made at me and different looks. I started to feel uncomfortable.

As I got to my first period class, which is health, I asked my teacher where I should sit and he sat me next to this preppy looking girl. She had long brown hair, brown eyes, perfect makeup, hair was in soft natural curls, and she was twirling her perfect manicured finger around a strand of hair, she had on a nice form fitting red and black plaid shirt, and these dark skinny jeans, with really expensive looking boots on. She was chewing bubble gum and as I sat down next to her she blew a bubble and popped it.

"What's your name?" She said sharply, you could really hear her accent. She was definitely not from around here. While looking at me like I'm a creature from outer space.

"Izzabella. What's yours?" I replied with a soft tone, trying to be a little nicer.

"I'm the one asking questions not you." She looked at me sternly.

"Obviously I just asked you a question, so you're statement is false." I looked at her, and said a bit harshly than I thought. She was getting me mad.

She gave me a disgusted look and scoffed. "Beat it loser! No one will ever want to be your friend." At that she looked forward and 'payed' attention to class.

Bam!!! My head was bashed in my desk, before I could turn around I passed out.

I suddenly woke up and lifted my head to see I was still in the pasture on the hay, I looked around it was pitch black out except for the light that the was coming from the moon and the stars.

I look down at my iPod for a second to check the time and it reads 3:30 am. As I hear the sound of hooves coming towards me I look up to see Buck walking over towards me. He nudges my thigh with his soft black nose. I rub his head for a little bit, till I decide I'm tired of getting ate alive by Mosquitos, and ready to go inside.

Since the pasture is so far from the house I hop on Bucks back and ride him to the house. Once I get to the barn I fed all the horses a little late night snack, then headed inside to lay down for a little bit longer.

Once I got to my room I decided to lay out the clothes I'll wear for tomorrow, for school. I picked out my jean shorts, I laid my boots down on the ground by my dresser where my clothes are laid out on, I pick out a beautiful navy blue top that was kind of flowy, last but not least I had to pick out a beautiful big long flower necklace that went with it.

Once, I got done with laying my outfit out, I put on some comfy blue pajama pants, and a black tank top. Then I went to go lay down. Before I know it, I get lost, like deep, into my thoughts.

Thoughts about school, and thoughts about friends, and then they went to my dad. I missed him so much. I was disturbed from my thoughts when I felt tears slowly finding their way down my cheeks.

I slowly wiped them away and crawled over to the window that set right above the end of my bed. I opened it and stared upon the stars for a minute till I found myself whispering, "I love you Daddy! I'll see you again someday!!" I wiped my tears away again and found myself no longer tired.

I shut the window, I checked the time one more time and saw that it read 4:27, so I decided to get something to eat.


Song is Everyday Struggles by Tupac

:) :)

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