~The Newborn

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Seeing baby Riley for the first time was magical. I've never seen a newborn baby, besides of course Josh. I probably saw Morgan as well, but who am I kidding that was years ago.

It's about quarter to seven, maybe. Riley was born at six, to a lovely mother, Topanga, and an amazing dad, Cory. She's seven pounds, four ounces and 21 inches.

Amy and Allan are here of course, they are the new grandparents after all. Eric, Morgan and Joshua are here seeing their new niece. Josh is only 3 so it hardly counts for him. Topanga's parents couldn't make it there was heavy traffic so they said they'd come visit in a week or so. Then there's Cory holding the newborn, I'm proud of him, my best friend. Topanga is stroking Riley's tufts of hair. Then there's me, beside Cory, looking at Riley.

Wow. She's a lucky kid.

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