True identities, Discoveries and Powers

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"Help" she gasped. "Arryn! Please stop! Don't hurt her!" Yelled out Gabe. "Poor little demigods" the monster mocked. The other creatures laughed and started forward. This is it. We're going to die. No one can stop them.

"No! Please! Stop!" Begged Gabe. I could hear him crying now. Then I felt an explosion of presence. I felt a strong aura coming from...Gabe. He stopped pleading and I saw his head down. He looked up. And I felt goosebumps. His eyes. It' His eyes burned sea green. And he seemed to glow. Glow with power. He grabbed a sword on the ground and walked towards all the monsters. You idiot, I wanted to yell, but I was so deprived of strength and the pain over took me that I probably gasped making me sound like a dying llama.

Two laistrogiants tried to crush him with their cannonballs, but he dodged them with inhuman speed. His movements seemed to blur. He caught the monsters in surprise. He past by them easily and without turning back the monsters disintegrated beneath his feet. I didn't even see his sword hit them. "I'll kill you" Gabe said to the Minotaur with so much hate and confidence in his voice that I felt the hair on my skin jump.

The Minotaur looked up in shock. It took a few moments to register what happened and soon the monsters regained their posture and the Minotaur yelled out an order, "Kill them all!"

The monsters surrounded us, but didn't get near because Gabe slashed, hacked, dodged, and slew all the monsters. He caught the Minotaur in surprise and punched him at his face, freeing Arryn form his grip.

    "Ryn! Please tell me your okay" he said worriedly. She looked like she passed out and he carried her in his arms, protecting her with his new found strength.

He set her down the ground gently and faced off with the Minotaur. The one who hurt his best friend. Beside me is Mark. And he's unconscious. Summoning the dead must really take a lot of energy.

    I still can't get off the crate on top of me. I'm stuck. And I can't help my friends.

At Marks place

   "Damn, we missed them" said a little annoyed Nico. They've shadow traveled from camp to Marks temporary hideout. It wasn't really that hard, but it still used up Mrs. O'learys strength. We don't know if she could shadow travel again if we have to.

"Percy we have to move again" said Nico more urgently this time. I looked at Nico's face. That young happy nerdy kid is gone now replaced with a 21 year old young man who fought into two great wars. He's grown a lot, but sometimes I still see that happy mytho magic Nico in some moments.

   Its been seven years since we defeated Geae. At that time span we've had a peaceful time. No wars and no one trying to destroy all humanity and gods. We repaired most of the damages done in the war from both camps. Annabeth finally finished remodeling Olympus in her own image and it was beautiful. We added a school at camp for those kids who didn't want to go to mortal schools. We taught a different approach to learning with half-bloods. Us  six chosen demigods went back to our lives and finished their education. The seventh chosen demigod, Leo, was still not found all these years even though we've searched the entire country and all the possible locations he's been. We tried to ask the gods about this, but they just ignored it.  So we made a statue of him in honor of his bravery. Since then it was all peaceful, and almost boring even.

   "Hello? Percy?! Dude are you even listening?!" Nico said, interrupting my thoughts.

   "Oh...sorry I got lost in thought" I said. He looked a bit surprised. "Percy and thinking are not a good match" he joked. "Hey!" I said a little offended.

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