(11) Dear Wolfie...

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Text Message Conversation

B: I forgot to tell you guys. She has wolf ears
C: who?
B: cerise, duh.
A: that's genius! You idiot you should have said that sooner
B: I forgot
A: ugh. I'm totally using this, it can crush her and the whole group is probably hiding the secret for her so I can take them down too.
C: is that necessary?
A: yes. Next part of the plan is to text cerise and shake her up a bit. She has my number.
A: you need to text her. She'll recognize my number.
C: but... I still don't know if I feel comfortable with this whole thing. Can't Austin do it?
A: Kitty knows his number.
B: gross Kitty
A: shut up, this is not the time for you to reminisce about your ex
B: I'd hardly call it reminiscing
A: none of them have your number, right?
C: holly might.
A: I checked her phone last time I had access to it. I deleted it. But what about the others
C: no....
A: then you have to be the one to text her.
C: well...
B: just do it.
C: shut up, Austin, you played your part now you can leave
B: whatever
A: oh, btw, how is it going down with Lizzie?
B: she hasn't said anything.
A: really.... So she doesn't believe Cerise?
B: no she does not
A: part one of the plan has been a success. Drive a wedge between the band.
C: yeah but he was supposed to drive a wedge between Holly and the others, not Lizzie.
A: what matters is that it worked and now we can work with what we've got. Just text Cerise what I told you to text her.
C: but I'm not doing this to hurt cerise
B: we know we know it's just to get Blake back but aren't you paying attention? We need to do a whole lot before we can break up Holly and Blake.
C: I didn't ask for your opinion
A: JUST TEXT CERISE. Austin, you make sure Lizzie doesn't start to believe Cerise. Now I have to figure out our next move.
C: okay, fine, I'll text her. What do I have to say?
A: hold on. I want you to copy & paste it
B: later losers
A: So you're right, Mr. Wonderlandian Superstar saw- my, what big ears you have, wolfie. What stings more, that he knows, or his girlfriend doesn't believe you? Get better soon wolfie xoxo
B: Mr. Wonderlandian Superstar? Aw, you flatter me
A: grow up -_-
C: okay...
A: did you send it?
C: yes.
A: hexcellent.

Fifth Destiny: The Note CollectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora