Brusnop and Kellic

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-Danny's P.O.V.-

I couldn't believe what I'd just let roll out of my mouth. It was the only thing I could do. I can't lose him. He didn't look up for a while, but when he did, his face was stained with tears and he was giving me a confused look. I should've known this would just freak him out. I felt tears building up in the corners of my eyes. I stood up and was pulled back down by my arm.

-Bens P.O.V.-

I just wanted him to go away, until he said it. Could he actually mean it? No. He's only trying to make me feel better. Thoughts ran through my mind and 3 minutes felt like hours. Before I could say anything he was getting up, I grabbed his arm and pulled him down to the bench.

"That's all I needed to hear." I leaned in and pressed my lips against his. Shortly after, he started to kiss back, pulling me in by my waist.

-Danny's P.O.V.-

Before I knew it, his cold spider bites were pressed up against my lips again, but this time, more real feeling. I leaned backwards causing Ben to almost straddle me on the bench. I heard a fake cough. Sam was standing a few feet away from us with his hands on his hips. We stood up quickly.

"Am I interrupting something?" He laughed.

"Shut the fuck up mate." I'm sure I was blushing.

"Ohhkay..anyways, Ben, you've got an interview with Cam."

"Oh shit. I forgot." We went back to the bus and saw Cam shaking the interviewers hand.

"You must be Ben Bruce! Have a seat next to Cameron." She shook his hand and glanced at me. "Can I get you too out of the room?" She was referring to Sam and I. I would've snapped on her, but Sam spoke first.

"Of course." He went to the back room with James, and I went to my bunk so I could hear the interview.

"Hey I'm Ben."


"And were in, Asking Alexandria!" They said in unison, laughing. they're so close, it kind of makes me jealous. Maybe it's because they both play guitar. She asked them a bunch of random questions, but one stood out.

"Alright Ben, Im gonna ask you one of our most requested questions. Everyone wants to know if you're dating Danny." It was silent for a moment until Cam spoke.

"You know its true Ben. Brusnop!" Cam joked.

"I'd like to believe so." Ben muttered. We always joke about it in interviews.

"Yeah, alot of fans are talking about that kiss on the main stage earlier."

"That was all Danny!" Ben exclaimed laughing.

"Hey!!" I climbed out of my bunk and walked out to where they were interviewing. "Talking about me Bruce?" He smiled at me and scooted over on the couch to make room for me. I sat down and the interviewer shot me a look.

"You must be Danny Worsnop.." She started.

"Yep." I put my arm around Ben and crossed my legs.

"So you guys are pretty close?" We looked at each other and nodded.

"We're all like brothers." Cam interjected.

"We'd like to talk about some guitar stuff now." She glared at me, almost trying to tell me to get the fuck out.

"Oh sorry." I stood up.

"Get the fuck out ginger!" Ben shouted.

I gave him a sad look and hopped out of the door, going back to Pierce The Veils bus. I walked into the bus filled with Sleeping With Sirens, Of Mice & Men and obviously Pierce The Veil. Kellin and Vic were wrapped around each other, Alan with his arm around Austin. I just wanted Ben.

"Hey Worsnop!" Mike shot up from the couch and lightly smacked me on the back.

"Hey." I just kept thinking about the kiss with Ben. Was it just a one time thing?

"Danny?" Tony waved a hand in front of my face. I whipped my head over to him.


"You okay dude?"

"Yeah. I'm fine." Minutes later, Ben burst through the door and darted towards me.

"Come with me." He grabbed the side of my waist and pulled me off the bus, into the parking lot.

"Um..We kinda got interrupted earlier and I didn't get to say what I wanted.." It was dark and I could barely see his face. Loud yells and laughter coming from the bus. "I-I love you too Danny. I have since I met you. Since you showed up on my door step." He looked up, a half smile on the corner of his mouth. I walked towards him and brushed his insane hair out of his face, crushing my lips into his. I tugged at his spider bites with my teeth. God I love those things. He let out a moan and dug his hands into my back. I took my gaze off of his mouth, up to his bright blue eyes, shining in the light from the window. He brought them down to meet mine and smiled.

"Why'd you stop?" He breathed his words out, sliding past my neck, making me shiver. I felt his tongue graze my lip, and took that as permission. He held my head between his hands as we explored each others mouths. He sort of had a taste of alcohol and I don't know, something sweet. I wasn't gonna bring that up because I feel that may be a bit creepy. The door to the bus creaked open and I heard stifled laughs along with foot steps. I turned my head away from Ben, not letting him go. I saw Vic and Kellin with their arms around each others waist, probably coming out here to do the same.

"Wooah." Vic muttered between giggles.

"I didn't know that..." Kellin started.

"Hey, you too better shut the fuck up about it, okay?" Ben gave them a serious look, letting go of me.

"You got it Benny." Vic slurred, still giggling. They were obviously drunk. Now I know how Ben felt every time he had to drag me home from the bar. The worst days of my life.

"It's Brusnop!" Kellin exclaimed laughing uncontrollably in Vic's arms.

"Yeah, well I wouldn't be talking, Kellic." We walked towards the Asking bus to go to sleep. It was almost 3 am and we have a show tomorrow. I grabbed his hand which had been brushing against me the whole walk. I rubbed my thumb on his wrist and felt the scars. Much more than he would have had time to make earlier today. He pulled his hand away quickly. I stopped and turned him towards me.

"Benny, how long... How long have you been doing this..?"

"..A few months. Since I started to realize you'd never love me back." His words were cracking and I could hear the pain in his voice. "I-I just..I want them to heal but they won't. How much of a pussy will people think I am when they see scars all over my arms." He began sobbing and collapsed into my arms. I put my head on his shoulder.

"Scars don't heal when you keep cutting, darling."

***okay, so I just thought of something. What if all of the shippings we have such as Brusnop, Kellic, Frerard, Jalex, Austlan and so on we're real and they all knew about each other but kept it a secret from their fan base. In my opinion that would be fuckin awesome. And they just had these parties where they would all just come and be couples and hold hands and talk about their children's educations. I don't even know. But seriously. I just thought I'd share that with you.***

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