11. Thinking Too Much

Start from the beginning


You wriggle out of your seat, past your brother without waking him up, which is actually impossible, but you made it.

Sleepily you trot towards the bathroom. You push the door open and squeeze yourself into the tight space. You really aren't fat or anything even near that, but you struggle to breathe in there.

You splash some water to your face, hoping to wash away the sleep in your eyes.

You look up and check the mirror, to look if you got everything out.

For an eye bat, you think to see a reflection of a gruesome mutated monster, dressed in an uniform of the BSAA.

You yell a bit and quickly splash more water to your face and check the mirror again.

Nothing but your reflection.

You sigh and dry your face with a random towel.

With little effort, the door opens again and you take a deep breath, finally being able to breathe like a normal human being.

You close the door behind you. You hear the click and turn around, facing the seats again.

Or at least you thought so.

What you are facing is a blood stained Chris Redfield on the other side of the plane.

"Where have you been ?" He says.

You take careful steps closer to him.

Now Marco appears. Both say "Where have you been ?"

The whole Alpha stands there, ripped clothes and blood everywhere.

"Where have you been ?" They ask.

Suddenly, all of them are quiet, just one speaks up.

"Where have you been, (y/n) ?" Piers' voice asks.

"I'm right here, where are you ?" You ask, looking around for him.

The group parts and reveals your boyfriend.

You walk towards him, wanting to embrace him, kiss him, but when he steps out from the shadows, you nearly pass out.

He limps towards you and drag his mutated arm behind him.

Your eyes widen at the sight. The right half of his face is wounded, too, stained with some kind of goo.

"No...no no no...." You repeat.

"Come here and give your boyfriend a hello kiss." He mutters, barely able to speak.

"No, Piers ! What happened ?! This isn't you !" You scream and turn away to run.

"Of course you would leave me alone...AGAIN !" He yells after you.

You hear electricity crackle behind you.

Turning around to search for the source, you see the beam rushing towards your form and you scream.

You jolt up, the morning rays hitting your eyes. You quickly look around. All of the guests are asleep.

You shake your brother awake "Wake up !" You whisper-yell.

He groans and check his phone "What is it, (y/n) ? It's frikkin 4 a.m. " He murmurs.

"I just...It's okay...Go back to sleep.."

"Yes, Ma'am."

You look out of the window, hoping that this nightmare stays a nightmare.

You land, your brother still groggy as fuck, and you gather your luggage and Chero, who seems to be the luckiest dog on earth to see you again.

You walk outside, searching for your contact person.

Pointing at the BSAA jeep, you nudge your brother towards the right direction.

The driver's door opens, revealing no one else than Jill Valentine herself.

The two of you salute, but Jill quickly puts you at ease.

You drive through Washington's streets, directly towards the BSAA building.

Jill shows you your rooms and orders you to meet her the next day.

"Relax a bit, okay ? I bet the journey was hard." She says.

You just chuckle.

"Of course, Ms. Valentine. We will meet you tomorrow." Your brother says, trying to hide his sleepiness.

Jill giggles and leaves the two of you.

You plot down on your bed 'I'm thinking too much...'


I'm soooo sorry. I'm so fucking lazy...uggh...D:

I hope you can forgive me...D:

I hope you enjoyed, anyways :3

See ya \(^o^)/

Piers Nivans x Reader Part 2/3 [Being Whole Again ~ Reunion]Where stories live. Discover now