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"Mark, have you you ever wondered what it would be like looking down upon the Earth from space?" Robbie blurted out one night as the two of them lay on the grass in their back garden, staring up at the ngight sky.

"Occasionally," Mark replied honestly as he admired the stars before turning to look at Robbie for a second. "Why?"

"No reason, just wanted to know, really." Robbie told him.

"What about you? Have you ever wondered what it would be like?" Mark asked, curious to know what Robbie thought as well.

Robbie rolled over onto his side and looked at Mark, who did the same thing a second later. "Yeah, I've thought about it. Often thought about what I would do once I was up there, as well." He said. "Do you think it'll get boring looking at the same view all the time?"

"I don't think so, not with the view of space right in front of your eyes." Mark answered. "I don't think anyone could get bored of that." He smiled and rolled onto his back and looked up at the sky once more. He smiled up at the stars, but mostly he smiled to himself as he thought about what it looked like from up there. "I tell you what, though" Mark said, turning back to Robbie. "I bet those space suits would get annoying after a while."

"Hmm, you'd know." Robbie grinned, earning himself a slap on the arm from Mark, who looked at him with a death stare.

"Shut it!" Mark said in the most threatening way possible. However, it only made Robbie grin wider as he knew Mark was rubbish at trying to be threatening.

"You looked cute in that, though." Robbie smiled pressing a kiss to Mark's forehead.

"Cheers," Mark said sarcastically. Robbie just continued to smile.

Silence was brought upon them for a moment; the two of them rolling back over onto their backs and continuing to look at the stars for a while longer before Mark spoke, breaking their silence.

"I'd love to see the stars one day, y'know." He said.

"I would, too." Robbie said. Then a thought suddenly crossed his mind. "Mark,"

"Yeah?" Mark asked looking at Robbie who continued to look at the stars.

"You know your song Stars?"

"I should do, I wrote it." Robbie breathed a laugh. "What about it?"

"Do you really think that we all cae from stars like you say in the chorus?" Robbie asked. It was something that he had been meaning to ask Mark since he had first heard him put those lyrics together, but he had never been able to find the right time to ask.

Mark thought for a moment about how he was going answer. As he thought, he looked up at the stars and began to bring his thoughts together before turning back to Robbie and speaking.

"Yeah, I do." He answered with a nod. "I do believe we all came from stars and I do believe that we're just trying to get back to where we came from. If you think about it, no one knows where that first particle came, nor do they know it is, so, maybe it's in the sun. Though, maybe that's something we'll never find out during our life time, but I'm sure one day they'll discover what it was."

"Or maybe we'll never know. Maybe we've come as far as we're going to get with our discovery of the origin of the universe." Robbie said.

"Maybe. I'd like to know what it is, though. I want to know that tiny detail that we're missing. I mean, we're so close."

"Yet so far." Robbie added.

"Yeah," Mark said contemplating what they had just said as he looked up at the sky. "Hard to believe that there was once nothing, right?" He suddenly said. "It's not like you can imagine what nothing looked like because the minute you do, then there's something there. It's weird, isn't it?"

"I know'"

"Anyway, how have we got onto this? Mak said with a small smile. Robbie smiled back at Mark before moving closer to him and wrapping an arm around his shoulders, bringing the smaller man closer. As Robbie lay on his back, Mark rested his head on his chest and looked up at the sky with him, one arm draped across Robbie's stomach.

"I honestly can't remember." Robbie said. He then placed a kiss to Mark's head and Mark looked up at him with a beaming smile that could give te stars a run for their money.

Robbie smiled back before Mark moved his head slightly and pressed a kiss to Robbie's lips. He pulled away before Robbie could start kissing him back and smiled; his eyes twinkling like the stars above.

"Y'know, we may never reach the stars in our life time, but that's okay, because we can admire them - even from allt he way down here." Mark said. "And what makes it better is that I've got you by my side to share that with." Mark kissed Robbie again, this time allowing Robbie the chance to kiss him back before the two of them pulled away and smiled, their eyes showing their next words; their next words that were never spoken.

Mark then rested his head on Robbie's chest and together they looked up at the sky and watched as the stars twinkled above them; both of them wondering, once again, what it would feel like to be up there. But for now, they were happy; happy in each other's arms and happy just to admire the stars until they left this planet and made it back to where they were once from.


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