"What?" I ask her. She forces herself to smile and shrugs.

"It's just... She's like a daughter to us," she says, "I mean, after Tori died we took care of her while you found your feet and we've taken care of her most of the year since then. We raised her like one of our own."

"But she's mine," I say, a little defensively.

"I know, Will," Lucy says, "all I'm saying is that it'll be a big change, both of them leaving at once. I'm glad she'll see more of you, though."

"Yeah, she's been looking forward to it for a long time," Tomas chimes in, "that and getting an owl. Or a cat."

"Yeah, she's pretty set on that," Lucy agrees, "we're going to Diagon Alley the week before school starts, if you want to join us."

"I'd like to go with just Lavina," I say, "thanks for the offer."

"Yeah, the first time is always exciting," Lucy says, standing up and clearing a couple of mugs off the coffee table, "I'm going to turn in. You're welcome to stay here tonight, if you want. There are blankets in the hall cupboard."

"Thanks," I say. She and Tomas go upstairs and I grab a blanket and change in to my pajamas to go to sleep.


I open my eyes and blink slowly, my vision blurry. I rub my eyes, sitting up.


Lavina launches herself in to my arms and squeezes me tightly. I hug her close.

"I came last night, but you were asleep," I say, "how are you?"

"Good," she says, sitting back, "I missed you."

"I missed you too, pumpkin," I say, "you've grown!"

She has. She's a good few inches taller than when I saw her for Christmas and her face has started to thin out. She looks older.

"When are we going to get my school things?" she demands. I laugh.

"Have you gotten your letter yet?" I ask.


"So, how do you know you're even going?" I ask, smiling. She rolls her eyes.

"Daaaaad! Can't you give it to me now?"

"Nope," I shake my head, "that wouldn't be fair. Besides, I have to wait for the teachers to decide what books they're setting for next year."

"Ugh, that will take FOREVER!"

"You've waited nearly eleven years, you can wait a couple more weeks," I says, standing up and stretching, "now, why don't we go home? Have you got everything packed?"


"Everything, everything?"


I look down at my daughter. I realise that Lucy was right. This will be a big change, for everyone. I sit back down on the sofa and pat the spot next to me.

"Liv, you understand that you won't be living here anymore right?" I say gently, "from now on you'll either be at Hogwarts or with me."

"I know," she nods.

"Are you okay with that?" I ask. She sighs.

"Yes," she says eventually, "I'll miss Aunt Lucy and Uncle Tom and Reece, but it'll be okay. We can come and visit, right?"

"Of course," I agree. She nods.

"It's like leaving home," she says sadly, "but I'll be going to another home."

She gets up and I follow her in to her bedroom. It's painted light pink and has stickers all over it. She picks up one bag and puts it over her shoulder. I pick up the other two and watch as she takes one last look around it. I follow her out to the kitchen where Lucy, Tomas and Reece are.

"You leaving?" Tomas asks.

"Yeah," I say, looking at Lavina. She's got tears in her eyes. Lucy comes and kneels in front of her, holding her shoulders.

"You know you're always welcome here," she says, "you can always come to me for girl talks, okay?"

Livina nods, then bursts in to tears. Lucy pulls her into her arms and holds her tightly, stroking her hair. I feel my stomach tighten. Is this the right thing to do? Lucy catches my eye and gives me a slight nod. She leans back and wipes the tears of Lavina's face.

"We'll see you soon, okay?" she says.

"Okay," Lavina says thickly.

"Come on, then," I say.

We walk down the hallway and outside. I take Lavina's hand to apparate. Before I do I look back at Tomas and Lucy. Lucy has tears rolling down her face.

"Thank you, Lucy."

The Mini Mischiefs - Stories from Mastering The MischiefWhere stories live. Discover now