Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning to my alarm clock. Great, it's Monday morning, the most dreaded day of the week. Well, i dread everyday. I walked to my closet, picking out my outfit, which is usually all black, and entered my bathroom. I showered quickly and stepped out of the tub. I wiped the fog off the mirror and looked at my exposed body. I didn't like what i saw. I saw a girl covered in scars. Legs, thighs, arms, wrists, stomach. I ignored the urge to use my razor but remembered i had to go to school.

I put my clothes on and walked out of the bathroom and into my room, grabbed my backpack, phone, headphones, and sketch pad before walking out. I wasn't hungry so i walked straight through the kitchen and out the front door. It was a cold day so i wrapped my arms around myself, trying to stay warm. 

I know what you're thinking, 'Julia just take the bus to school!'' Hell no. I'm always the one getting pushed around, teased, bullied. Even the nerds laugh at me. I nearly tripped over a rock on the sidewalk but something caught me before i landed on the pavement. I looked down at my waist, seeing a arm around it. ''You should be more careful, sweetheart.'' A deep voice said in my ear. A shiver went down my spine as i looked back and saw a pair of green eyes. I just nooded and removed his arm from my waist as it was slowly sliding to my ass. Pig.

I quickly walked away from the guy and headed towards the school. ''Don't i get a thank you?!'' The guy yelled at me but i ignored him. I made it to the front of the school and pushed the doors open. The hallway was extremely loud and crowded that i had a difficult time to get ot my locker. Once i made it out alive, i got out my history book, since it was my first class of the day, and headed towards the classroom.

I opened the door, seeing i was the first one there like always, i slid in my seat in the very back of the class, and started to sketch a wolf. However, i was interrupted by a small group of guys heading towards my desk. I ignored them like alwats and continued drwaing. ''Hey what's up Mute?'' The main guy said. I think his name is Josh. I still ignored him as my pencil danced around my paper, drawing the structure of the wolf. Josh seemed irritated as he clenched his jaw a bit. He took the pencil from my hand as he threw it across the room. He suddently grabbed my wrist and it hurt like a bitch. I tried not to scream in pain as he grabbed my other wrist and pinned me to the wall. I was suddently scared as one of his friends locked the classroom door.

''So, how about we teach Mute here a lesson about listening to people.'' Josh and his friends smirked and he leaned closer to my face but before he could do anything the bell rang. I never thought i'd be happy to hear that. Josh growled and let go of my wrists muttering that we'll finish this later. No way in hell i'm ever going near him again. Students started to fill in and i quickly took my seat. The teacher walked in and said something about a new student but i wasn't paying attention to him, i was trying to finish my wolf. ''My name is Zach White.'' A deep voice said that caught my attention. It was the same guy that helped me before. ''Alright Mr. White. You will sit next to Ms. Evans for the rest of the semester. Ms. Evans Please raise your hand for Mr. White here.'' I gulped, hoping that my scars won't show. I lowered My hoodie sleeve to the tips of my fingers and raised my hand.

I watched Zach walk to the desk next to me through the strands of hair in front of my eyes. He sent a flirtatious smile to all the girls and you could practically see them melting inside. Knowing how easily jealous these girls get, they're gonna make my life worse then hell just for sitting next to their 'future husband.'

Zach took his seat as the teacher said we can have free time since there's a new student and all that crap. I grabbed my phone, putting my headphones in, pressing play, and my hood over my head. I zoned into my own world again as i was adding details to my wolf drawing. I was interrupted once again but this time by Zach who tapped my shoulder. I gave him a side ways glare before returning to my wolf.

My pencil barely touched my paper when i felt another tap on my shoulder. I sighed turning my head to Zach's direction. ''About time you look at me.'' He jokes. I still had a blank expression which made him rub the back of his neck nervously. ''I still need that thank you from before.'' He said with a smirk. Great, this guy is cocky. Why is he talking to me? Nobody talks to me. When they do it's just to tease me, calling me Mute, emo, freak, stupid, ugly. I've learned to deal with it. Cuting is the only wai i deal with it.

''Hey Evans, are you gonna talk to me?'' Zach asked as he leaned back againts his chair. That's not my name... I shook my head as i finished shading my drawing. I felt proud but couldn't find the urge to smile or even grin. ''That's really good.'' Zach's voice stratled me. I forgot he was there. I forgot i was in school. I nooded and put the drawing away. I'll give it to my art teacher since no matter what we draw, even if its not an assignment, she'll ive us credit. 

''You still didn't answer my question, Evans.'' Zach said. ''Are you gonna talk to me?'' I got tired of him calling me Evans So i got a sheet of paper and wrote on it. 

My name is not Evans. It's Julia. Julia Evans.

I gave the paper to Zach who read it quickly before writing something down. 

Well, Julia Evans, why aren't u talking to me?

I don't talk to anyone. 


You don't need to know. Now can you leave me alone? Go bother someone else!

No, you seem like a cool girl.

I stared at what he wrote. Me? Cool? I stopped writing to him and just as he was about to say something, the bell rang. I sprang from my seat and ran out of class. I don't want to talk to him. I don't want to talk at all. I started breathing heavily and i ran to the girls bathroom. There were a few girls but once they saw me they left the restroom. I locked the door, running to the sink, and taking out my blade. I sliced my stomach a few times before my breathing went back to normal.

*Lunch Time*

I was sitting alone in the cafeteria, not bothering to buy lunch. A few guys from the table next to me started teasing me again. ''Hey Mute! Say: I love Shawn! Come on we all know its true.'' Some girls joined in on the action and started giggling with the guys. A red haired girl walked up to me with her lunch and dumped it on my head. Spaghetti was in my hair, her soda dripping from my hoodie, and spaghetti sauce on my pants. The whole cafeteria erupted in laughter. Even the lunch laides!

I ran out of the cafeteria, trying my best to push past students and their recording phones. I ran out of the school and towards the park. I climbed up in my secret spot and cried. I didn't care if i was covered in food i just cried.

Why does everyone hate me? Why am i so worthless? Do i even belong here?


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