After we took him to the nurse, she said to take him to the hospital.

We walk in and see momma McCall.

"Uhh.. Hi mom" Scott said nervously.
She just sighed and said hi to all of us.

They bring a wheelchair for Liam and I help him sit down.

"Don't worry Liam , we'll take good care of you." She said as she pushed Liam away.

"Wait" Liam said grabbing my wrist.

"Can Maya come too?" He asked. He looked at me and so did Melissa.

"Of course" she said and smiled.
We went to Liam's room and I helped Melissa put him on the bed.

"We'll have someone come see you just sit tight." She told him and gave him a smile and left.

"I'm sorry Liam, about all of this." I said. He just laughed a bit and grabbed my hand that was near his leg.

"It's alright, I mean your boyfriend probably got jealous that's why he did this." My eyes went wide.

"Wait Scott? No no no, he's not my boyfriend." I laugh. "Stiles is my cousin who I live with and Scott is like my brother." I said.

"Oh I'm sorry I just thought you guys were dating" he laughed a bit. "Why do you live with Stiles?" He said. I didn't like to talk about it but all I did was sigh and tell him. "It's kind of a long story" He just nodded his head. "Well, since you and Scott aren't actually dating, we should do something sometime. Unless , you don't want to, since we just met." He said nervously.

"I'd like that." I said smiling.

Then there was a knock on the door and a tall man walked him.

"Hey , Liam..and.." he said and looked at me then at our hands and I realized they were intertwined with his. He kept looking at me and I realized he was waiting for a name. "Oh sorry I'm Maya." I said with a smile. I got up from the bed and started walking out.
"I'll leave you two alone. I'll be outside Liam." I said and he nodded his head. I walk outside and a hand goes over my mouth and I freak out.

I open my eyes and I see Scott telling me "shhh" he lets go and he leans closer to the door hearing their conversation and I listen too.

"It's broken isn't it?" Liam said. You can hear the hurt in his voice I felt bad.

"It's definitely going to need a x-Ray" the doctor replied.

"It's broken and its my fault." It hurt to hear that because he may not be able to play for a long time and you can tell he loves lacrosse.

"You want to tell me what happened?" He asks Liam.

" I went up against two juniors to impress a girl. One of them is captain of the team" he said. Wait, he wanted to impress me? I looked at Scott and he looked at me at the same time.

"Remember what we always say? Play smart not hard" He reminded Liam. I slid down the wall to sit.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked

"No of course not. Your mom might be mad for getting you into lacrosse, but maybe we should both wait for the X-Ray before we panic. And trust me, I have more reason to panic than you. It's not over yet. Wait for the X-Ray." The doctor said and then left. Scott turned around so he wouldn't see him.

"I'll talk to you later" Scott told me and left.

I walk back in Liam's room. "Hey" I said and sit on the bed again. He smiles and says hi. "So are you related to him?" I ask referring to the doctor. "Yeah he's my stepdad, the one who taught me lacrosse" he said. I nod and look around the room. There was an awkward silence until I heard a crash.

"Wait here" I told Liam. I walk towards the door and look out but there was nothing. I turn around to go back in and bump into Liam. "Liam what are you doing you're going to mess up your leg more" I told him walking him back to the bed. There was another crash and we both go outside to see.

We both look to the right and then to the left but when I turned my head something crashed into me and it was on top of me. I see a kid that looks a little older with white eyes and two layers of sharp teeth with blood all over his shirt. I try to fight him off but he pushes me towards the wall.

I see him go towards Liam and grabbing him too.

"No let him go!" I yell. Liam tries to punch him but then the guy grabs him by the neck. Then drags us both towards the hallway then to the roof.

He throws me towards a wall and I feel blood on my stomach. Something must've scratched me hard, and it was pretty deep.
"Great" I said annoyed.

I see him push Liam off and him barely holding on.

"Liam!" I yelled trying to go but I felt dizzy. 

I see Scott trying to tell this kid, I guess his name was Sean, that he can help him. But then I see an axe flying and stabbing Sean in the back killing him. I start freaking out and see a bald pale guy with no mouth putting his index finger to his mouth. I try to bring Liam up and Scott helps me.

"I can't hold on anymore!" Liam yelled.

The last thing I saw before I passed out was Liam holding his arm that was covered in blood and I hear my name being yelled.

Through the dark ⚀ Liam DunbarWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu