The Accident(Part 2)

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While I was yelling at the kids,I never noticed or paid attention that I accidentally went over to the wrong lane.. But when I noticed that I was,it was to late..
I woke up in a hospital bed,but there was no one in the room. So I got up from my bed and went outside and I said,"Help! Please! Anyone,please help!"
What caught my attention was that no one even bothered to look.. Then another thing caught my attention; a beeping sound coming from my hospital room..
When I looked inside my room to find out what the sound was,I was shocked as fuck...
I was so confused.. What I saw was my body in the bed but I was right outside my room...
I yelled for a nurse or anyone to explain what was happening,and then as soon as they were taking my bed to the emergency room, I tried to move out of the way but I couldn't.. Then I felt a cold breeze go through my body..
They went right through me...
I fell to the floor in tears...
•authors note•

So,this is my first time trying to write an actual book,just let me know if you guys find it interesting and if you'd like me to continue! Thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2015 ⏰

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