Happy B-day Jacob Latimore!

Start from the beginning

Jacob's pov

I still cant belive I havent a "happy birthday" from anybody. We was in the middle of practice and erbody was taking it like a regular day. -_- I still wanna believe this was a dream. After practice I decided to stop by mom's house but she wasnt there either. Where hell was this people at now?

I texted Gia and no response. Texted Double J, no response either. I was done. I was gonna celebrate my birthday on my own. But first I needed to take a shower. I stink. I got to the house and noticed evertything was slient and quiet. The door was locked too. What the hell!??! (Calling Gia)

^phone convo^

Gia: hello?

Me: baby, what the hell is going on?

Gia's pov

Me: what do you mean?

Jacob: what!!! Baby I been calling you all day!!!!! Texting you ,Double J and I cant believe yall forgot what day it was!!!!!!

Its funny how Jacob goes off sometimes. Luckly we were all ready done. I texted August letting him know he could continue with the plan and hanged up the phone as I heard August's voice in the background.

Me: Lizz, baby!!

Lizz: si mami????

Me: necesito que te vayas a bañar, porfavor! (Translation: I need you to go take a shower please)

Lizz: Ok mommy.

Double J: Yo Ma! (Running towards Gia) My G-pop said he let Jacob in the house and that he is getting ready. So Imma go get ready too.

And the last one to get ready was me. This was only surprise one, (raises and eyebrown and bites bottom lip) I know he is going to love surprise number two.

Aaliyah: Gia!!!!!!! (Snaping her out of the thoughts)

Me: huh!?!

Aaliyah: Go get ready now please!!!!!!!!

Jacob's pov

I was mad asf. They lock me out my own house. Forget my birthday. Dont even bother to answer the phone. Im mad!

August told me That I needed to calm down. But aint nobody calming me down. I headed upstairs to take my shower and threw on something nice. Of course Imma still dress nice , even if they forgot my birthday. By the way, it was a damn shame he the only and first person to tell me happy birthday today. According to him, we was gon celebrate by going to the club.

Me: (still mad) bruh, Im ready!

August: (texting) oh, um..aight! Lets go birthday boy!!

This bruh!!!

Gia's pov

I got on my bikini and clothes, did my hair, and no make up except for lip gloss. I double checked everything. Even the children.

Double J: Ma! Calm down!!! (Massages her) breath.(breaths with her) I double checked everything and Lizzeth too. He gon be here any minute now so jusy relax and get ready.

I still couldnt stop checking. I setted up the lights and the loud music. Everybody hid behind something and Roc turned the lights off.

Jacob: ayo, bruh are we late? Its mad empty in here! (All the lights and Music goes off)

Jacob's pov

Me and August kept on talking along the way, until we reached the club. But I never seen this club before. We got out the car and I texted Gia, for all she cared. And let her know where I was. No reply.

Ausgut: (opening the door for them) you first man.

Me: thanks. Ayo is this a new place?

August: Yeah, I homie of mine told me about it, so I though we should check it out.

Me:(sits down and takes a look around) ayo bruh are late? Its mad empty in here! (All the lights and music goes off) WTF!!!

Everybody: (all the go on) HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACOB!!!!!

Lizz:(runs and jumps on him) happy birthday Daddy! (Hugs him)

Damn! I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. Why would I ever doubt my family? It was so nice to see everybody here and Especiallu to hear "Happy birthday" From my kids. But where was Gia?

Roc: (daps him) Happy birthday Bruh!

Me: thanks, thanks

Aaliyah: Happy Birthday Jakey!!!!! (Squeezes his cheecks)

Me: thansk! And please dont do that.

Double J: happy birthday pops!

Me: thansk son (hugs and kisses his head) yo wait! Were is your mom?

Double J: I dont know...

Where the hell was she?!?!

^later on^

Everybody was partying aroundand enjoying themselves but I wanted to spend this time with my baby. Everybody began to gather around in the living room and I sat in the middle. Where was Gia?

Aaliyah began to say some words and so did Roc. They sang happy birthday and my kids gathered around me, then Gia came. Looking beautiful as always.

Gia: Happy birthday baby!!!

Me: Were you been? (Grabs her)

Gia: sorry, I was stuck fixing somethings.

Me: thank you baby!!! (Kisses her and everybody awed) damn I wish I could take us to our room.

Aaliyah: Here is you piece of cake!!!

Ayeeeeee chocalte!!! I quickly dug in a bite bite (shocks and takes something out of his mouth)

Me: what the hell!?! (Music and everybody stops)

Gia: (sitting on his lap) what???

Me: this piece of--- (opens the little plastic bag and takes the engraved chain out) whoaw, what is this?

I began to read the names and noticed something.

Me: Jazohn and Gianna Latimore. (Looks at the names again)

Gia looked at me and smiled. But I was still lost. She took my hand and placed it on her stomach. I felt little kicks. I smiled.

Me: we (smiling) baby are having? Are you--? Baby we having Twins? (Gia nodds)

This was the best birthday ever

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