chapter 2

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I sat on the floor with a picture of me and Christian in my arms.I love him so much but I just won't let him deal with me anymore.

I don't depend on anyone else to make me happy and I don't want to hurt him.

It's just that ever since I was little my parents were never around for my birthdays or for graduations so I just gave up on people.And with that I gave up on relying on others to make me happy.

I'm better off alone.No one understands you better than yourself because at the end of the day you're all you have.

I feel myself falling harder and deeper for Christian everyday and I just can't rely on him for happiness anymore because one day we will break up and once he's gone my happiness goes with him.

I stood up leaving the picture of me and Christian on my bed along with a note I wrote last night.

I tear drop slipped down my face as I looked at my surrounding one more time and left.


I walked over to Aspen's bed and held the picture of when we first started dating in my hand.It's almost our 1 year anniversary and it touched me that she kept this picture after all this time.

I saw a little piece of paper attached to the frame and snatched it off beginning to read it.


I can't express in words how happy you make me and how much you mean to me... but thats's a problem.It's a problem because ever since I was younger my parents were never around to make me happy or give me advice about growing up,so I had to find out on my own.And I learned that I shouldn't depend on others to bring me happiness because when they leave my happiness goes with it.So I decided it is time for me to leave.You were my first kiss,my first boyfriend,but most importantly my first love.And I can't thank you enough for bringing me joy for the time being,but I have to go.I have to find my own happiness and stop relying on other people for it.Take care my love.


I felt a rainfall of tears stream down my face.Not only did I just lose my first girlfriend,I lost my first love.

find my happiness. |christian akridge storyWhere stories live. Discover now