"Michelle! Let's go home and change!" She screamed.

"Do I have to come?" I whined as the grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the house.

"Hell yeah you do!" She shrieked pulling me into the car.



"Just suck in!"

"It hurts!"

"Let's just do it fast!"

"But I can't breath!"

"Get over it!"

"It hurts my stomach!" I shrieked as Kylie zipped up the back of the shirt I was wearing. She had me in tight black skinny jeans, black boots that came up to my knees, and a tight pink zip shirt. Whatever that is. Kylie was wearing white skinny jeans, pumps and a tank top. Why couldn't I wear something as simple as that?


Nick's POV:

"My feet hurt!" Michelle whined. Michelle had never really grown up. Yeah she knows all that weird stuff, basically a nerd, but she's the biggest whiner.

"Michelle shut up!" Danny snapped glaring back at her. As we were walking into Fronzeys I noticed Ashley. One of my barbie play toys. Yes, I am a self confessed player.

"Kylie! Why'd you make me come?" Michelle complained. I'm so going to get her back. She thinks she has the right just to draw all over my face? Well she doesn't. We walked into the already busy Fronzeys, sitting down at a table. Bryan was next to Kylie, then was me, Danny, Alex, Jack, Gage, and Robbie. Michelle of course was sitting at the head of the table starring at her hands.

"Yo, yo, yo! What you Fronzers!?" The guy on the stage yelled into the microphone. Everyone cheered, besides MIchelle.

"Well tonight, we've got some of our favorites here! Kylie! Get your little ass up here!" He said. People cheered as my sister took the stage.

"Hey guys! Imma be singing Teenage Dream, By: Katy Perry." The music started. Kylie had a nice voice, at times annoying.

You think I'm pretty

Without any make-up on

You think I'm funny

When I tell the punch line wrong

I know you get me

So I'll let my walls come down, down

She sang. I glanced over at Michelle who was reading a book. Where the hell did she get a book? Ever since I can remember Michelle always had her nose buried in a book. Now that was annoying. Kylie told me once she could sing, but that was when we were in sixth grade. I wonder if she can still sing now?

We drove to Cali

And got drunk on the beach

Got a motel and

Built a fort out of sheets

I finally found you

My missing puzzle piece

I'm complete

Now I've got an idea! When I'm called up to sing I'll drag Michelle with me. When she chickens out she'll be so embarrassed. Or even better! She'll sing and sound like a fool!

My Best friend's BrotherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora