Chapter 10

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Walking along the wide sidewalk of a street full of higher end designer stores, I knew this area of the the upper east side. With Jimmy on my ass while I walked quickly to meet Elena to do a little shopping before leaving to Italy in the morning. Walking up the stairs the door man opened the door where I entered the store. It was chic, with bold, edamame-green accented walls, purple hydrangeas and black-and-white carpeting. Haven't being here in what seemed ages, I forgot how it felt to be part of this lifestyle.

Since leaving for college I did my upmost best not to ask my father for money but gave him his way in having a joint account with him. Other than paying for my tuition I didn't want to take his money to only prove that I can work and be independent, it was for self gratification that I proved to those that I wasn't that spoiled brat that just took her daddy's money. Working as a hostess at restaurant didn't pay me millions but it helped me love comfortably while I finished school. I was greeted by the stores manager who directed me toward where Elena was.

"Miss Giordano is right over here ma'am" following the manager I saw Elena trying on dresses and already had a pile ready to go.

"Gi! You're late"

Story of my life.

"Sorry, I had an essay due and had to proofread it before emailing off" hugging Elena quickly I helped her zip the dress up from the side.

"No worries, that whole rack is McQueen's private collection for this fall. It's all in your size too so get to it, we need to be flawless in Italy!"

Walking toward the wrack I noticed that every piece of clothing was a size two, when I was a size four.

"These clothes are tiny Lena, I'm a size four  not anorexic size two" glancing over to me Elena just laughed at my horror. These clothes would be skin tight and the dresses will be short.

"I'm the same size as you Gi, trust me when I say these clothes need to be form fitting. So get to trying on what you like"

"Fine" Mumbling profanities to myself I start d picking out putting outfits together for me to try on. After a few hours we were now at the register to pay. The manager tallied up my total that would make quite a dent in my bank account. Swiping my card I waited for him to give my card back but it didn't happen.

"Ma'am your card was declined" looking at him in horror, I was positive my account had more than a hundred thousand dollars.

What the fuck?

"Excuse me? There has to be some kind of mistake. Try it again" watching him swop the card just in case he was doing it wrong, it was declined again. Elena looked at me confused with her bags in hand.

"Do you have another card?" Reaching for my card, it wasn't my only card but I refused to charge it on my credit since now I was out of a job and the fact my joint account was being decline was suspicious.

"No, sorry" I was about to walk away when Elena pulled out her wallet and handed the man her card.

"Charge it to mine"

"Elena no, it's fine. I have to call the bank to see what's going on, you don't have to do this" brushing my away she rushed the man to bag the dresses and clothes I choose that totaled over four grand.

"Gi it's fine, honestly. Enzo always pays for everything and if he knew that I let you leave without anything, he'd be so mad and you seen him mad" handing me my three bags, I have her a gracious smile.

"Thank you" walking side by side we cut our shopping short since I had to get back to the condo and call the bank. All the money I've saved from working was in that account and it was my only financial means. The whole ride and elevator up to the condo I was anxious to get to the bank in order to see what's going on.

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