A Tense Evening, Late Morning, and Too Many Boys!

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Fizzy's POV.

I stormed into the house once Louis parked the car, leaving him to deal with Daisy and Phoebe.

I couldn't believe he had dragged me there, where this whole horse situation had began. Sure, I had missed Addie and Zeus, but making watch my little sisters ride the animal I was scared stiff of? C'mon!

"Fizzy? How'd it go?" Lottie asked, poking her head around her door frame when I stomped up the stairs.

"Daisy and Phoebe had a brilliant time," I said, side-stepping the question.

"I meant how'd it go for you?" Lottie asked, stepping toward me.

"I got to see Addie and Zeus. They're both doing well," I said, side-stepping the question again.

"Fizzy, how did you feel about going back there?" Lottie asked me flat out.

"I'm okay with it. As long as I don't have to ride, that is," I said, avoiding Lottie's blue eyes.

"Okay. Just making sure you're alright," Lottie said and disappeared back into her room.

Lou came up the stairs and called my name before I could vanish into the depths of my room.

"What?" I snapped, angry at him for taking me to the barn without warning me.

"What'd you think about today?" He was hesitant about what my answer would be.

"It was horrible! I can't believe you did that to me!" I yelled and Lottie's door opened again.

"It'll help you, Fizzy. You have to get over your fear," Louis said pleadingly.

"I don't have to do anything you say! And you don't know what's good for me anymore! When was the last time you were home, Louis? Six, seven months ago?" I yelled at him. I had struck a major nerve with him because his blue eyes cooled and the worried expression dropped from his features.

"You know how I feel about that, Félicité," He said quietly and walked past me, knocking my shoulder as he went.

"Félicité Tomlinson, you go apologize, now. You know he can't help that and you know he feels bad about that," Mum said, but I shook my head and ran into my room.

Supper was very tense and awkward, especially since Lou and I had to sit beside each other.

As soon as I was finished, I helped Mum clear the table and wash up. Once I was done with that I crept over to Louis's room and knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in," Lou said and I opened the door. I sat on the end of his bed and waited as he logged off his laptop.

"I'm sorry for yelling at you. I shouldn't have brought up you being away either. I do miss you when you're away, you know," I said in a rush. Louis held his arms open and we had a little cuddle. Truth was, I missed him terribly when he was away and was ecstatic when he came home. I had always hated arguing with him, even when we were younger. I was glad we had made up, so I decided to lighten the mood.

"Will you help me with my Maths homework?" I asked, receiving a unimpressed look.

"Bring it here," he sighed and opened his laptop. I brought my Maths binder to his room, opened it to the correct page, and gave it to Louis to look at.

"Right. I know how to do this! Get over here because I'm not doing it for you," Louis said and started explaining it to me in I understood. I worked on the questions while Louis messed about on his laptop. After about 45 minutes I handed him the binder to look at.

"Good God, how do you stay so organized? My homework was shoved in my pocket if I bothered with it at all" Louis said as he mentally calculated the questions in his head.

"I know, but I want to pass my A levels the first time," I teased and Louis handed me back the binder.

"You got them all right, unless I've suddenly lost the ability to solve Maths work," Louis said and looked at the clock.

"Off with you! It's nearly midnight," Louis said and closed his laptop. He plugged it in and I passed Mum in the hall.

"Thank you for helping her, Louis," Mum said.

"I don't mind, Mum. It's nice to do stuff like help with homework, or take them places. I missed it," Louis replied.

"I'm sure they appreciate it. Sleep well, dear," Mum said and I scuttled into my room.

I woke up at 10 the next morning with our dog, Danny, climbing all over my bed trying to find the tennis ball Louis had just thrown.

"Louis Tomlinson!" I yelled, grabbed the tennis ball, and whipped it at him. Danny jumped off my bed in pursuit, and I slammed my door.

"Be quiet!" Lottie yelled from her room. I pounded on the wall, just to bother her, and then buried myself under my duvet again.

"Fizzy, outta bed!" Mum yelled up the stairs and hour later.

"Ugh," I replied and ripped the covers back.

"Fizzy!" Mum continued.

"I'm coming!" I replied and then stood. I threw on some clean shorts and a tank top before crossing the hall to the loo. I brushed my straight brown hair and brushed my teeth before going downstairs.

"Fizzy!" 4 voices chorused before I was hug/tackled by a wall of teenage guys.

"Alright, alright, hello to you, too. Okay, enough! I need to breath, whether you think so or not!" I protested after a minute. They didn't budge.

"Lads," Louis said, an edge to his voice. He had set out...boundaries when the boys had met his sisters, especially for Lottie. They all backed off and I plowed my way through the group. I ate some breakfast before returning to the group. Lottie had removed herself from her bed finally, and I squeezed in between her and Louis, basically sitting on them until they moved.

"Hi," I said to Lottie, receiving a unimpressed look.

"Aww, sisterly love," Lou said, squishing Lottie and I together.

"Get. Off," I growled and shoved Louis.

"C'mon, Tommo, let 'em be," Liam said and removed Louis off the sofa. Lou squawked and tried to be a ninja, but failed miserably and they fell to the floor. Zayn flopped on top of them and it turned into a One Direction dog pile once Harry and Niall joined them.

"Boys, must you wrestle in the living-room? Mum said, looking around the door frame.

"Sorry, Jay," They chorused.

"That's "Mum" to you, Louis Tomlinson," Mum reminded Lou firmly.

"Sorry, MUM," Louis corrected himself, cheekily.

"Enough outta you, mister. Just because you're 21 one and a grown man, does not mean you aren't expected to follow my rules in my house," Mum said with a subtle sternness.

"You tell him, Mum!" Lottie and I cheered. Everyone burst out laughing, Mum rolling her eyes before leaving. The boys messed about, occasionally dragging Lottie or I into it. It was quite an enjoyable afternoon, and I almost forgot about Louis'a stunt yesterday.


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