"Well if we had a sunroof to easily shoot dracs out of, it might last a little bit longer!"

"Wait, so that's why you wanted it?  That's actually a really good idea.  We could get better shots with that than from shooting out of the window... YOU'RE A GENIUS, TOXIC!"

"Finally someone around here can see my potential!"  I yelled, jokingly giving him the middle finger.

"Well, if Party would let me..."

"You pervert!" I exclaimed before running  out of the room.  Later, that night, he and Party got into a fight over that joke, with Jet and Kobra only egging them on.

Jet-Star had become my 'rock' of sorts. As the one who knew most about my condition and what I had been through, he was always a great listener, and gave the best advice.  Jet was like the big brother I never had-always there and extremely protective.

"You know, they told me you died.  Right before they started drugging me," I explained one day as we were on patrol.  "It wasn't like a drac came in saying 'Your friends are dead' though, they completely manipulated a broadcast from Dr. D.  It sounded so real.  They added the part about dying with our masks on too. It sounded so real, I didn't even know they could do that."

Jet set down his ray gun, and walked over to me.  "I didn't know you had remembered anything from those months," he questioned.

"I didn't.  But it's starting to come back to me, bit by bit.  I remember the fake broadcast, and my sister being there..."

"We wanted to get you out sooner, Tox.  We really did."

"I'm still upset you guys came after me in the first place.  I could've gotten myself out!"

"You are a horrible liar!" he laughed. "We both know that wouldn't of happened."

"Let me believe," I countered, sticking my tongue out at him. "Aren't you supposed to be somewhere with Silver, sucking faces or whatever cutesy couples do?'"

"Oh, because you and Party are so much better!  You two are like an old romcom.  It's horrifying."

"Nice analogy.  I like to think I'm that funny.  Go find your girlfriend.  I'll see you later at the diner."

Party Poison and I picked up right where we left off.  Meaning, we were still constantly making fun of each other, stealing kisses, and, of course, training to take down more dracs.

"Okay, first person to reach ten in a row wins," I challenged Party as we stood in front of the lined up targets.

"Easy. It's a common fact that I'm the best shot around."

"Really?" I laughed.  "Then why is it that I'm always having to save your butt in firefights?"

"Maybe I just like to be the damsel in distress," he said, taking first shot, and completely missing.

"That would explain your pathetic aim," I retorted, and then proceeded to take my ten rounds, all hitting the bullseye.  "That is how you shot a ray gun, babe."

"It was just a warm-up shot!"  He defended, and then hit his target, almost hitting the center.  He cursed under his breath.

"Here, let me show you how to do it," I offered, walking over to him, and covering his hand with mine.  "1...2...3!" I yelled, and he pulled the trigger, hitting the bullseye.  I gave him a smirk, and turned on my heel, back to my own gun.

"Watch this," Party exclaimed, followed by his shooting of ten perfect rounds.

"Party Poison!" I yelled.  "Did you seriously only miss those shots so I would hold your hand?"

He simply gave me a sly wink before kissing my cheek and walking into the diner.  "Pathetic!" I screamed.  "Absolutely pathetic!  But still pretty smooth.  Party-1.  Me-0."

I was sitting in booth next to Kobra,his arm slung lazily around my shoulder, and Silver, with the other three boys across from us, a map of Battery City spread on the table in front of us.  "Right here is the control room," I said, circling a small room on the map with a highlighter.  "That's were we need to break in first to disable the cameras.  Then, we can run down this hall, to the adjacent room, which holds all of the Happy Pills," I explained, shuddering slightly at the thought of my former self.  "If we can shut off all of the assembly lines and halt the production, as well as completely destroy the recipe they used, we should be good.  Oh, and we also need to kill Korse. Once he dies, all of dracs shut down somehow.  Don't ask me how, it' some weird technology thing."

 Party Poison reached his hand across the table to grasp mine, giving it a reassuring squeeze before he began radioing in to Dr. Death-Defying.  "Put me on the air, now."

"Look alive, sunshine! 109 in the sky, but the pigs won't quit!  This is your fearless leader, Party Poison.  The time has come to take down the vamps and pigs, and to finally destroy the exterminator.  Motorbabies, meet at the diner tomorrow morning, and kill all your friends! Tomorrow is the day we reclaim what is ours!"

A/N: I'm sorry this is kind of a filler chapter, but I'm very, very excited for the next few chapters, and I hope you are too!  I basically have the rest of the plot outlined in my head, and I think you'll like it! So stay tuned (I sound like a commercial oh my gosh).

And thank you guys for over 150 votes, I can't believe anyone is even reading this.  Thank you so so much, I appreciate every single one of you!

Stay rad!


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