Our x First x Meeting

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His eyes have a glow to them, they're different from all the others here. They look... Alive. And, happy. How can someone be happy in a place like this? A place with no color and only comatose people. A place where even a smile is a rarity. But yet, there he is smiling.

Like a flower after a wildfire, his eyes contain a hope that this place is livable, that our lives have meaning.

I was so caught up in my thoughts I didn't even notice as the boy turned to look at me and his smile grew wider.

"You must be Killua!" He shouted excitedly as he ran over to greet me.

"Y-yeah..." I stammered.

"This is Gon, your new roommate," Beans told me.

"No fair! I wanted to introduce myself," Gon says in a pouty voice.
Now I am distracted by how his black spiky hair defies gravity, and why does it have a greenish tint?

Gon stretched out a hand towards me, smiling his wide smile. I honestly wonder how could he smile so much? Didn't it hurt?

"I am Gon. Gon Freecs," He introduced himself. "I am 12 and I was sent to this place around five months ago! Nice to meet you, new roomie."

Twelve? Just like me.

"I'm Killua," I told him, "Nice to meet you too, I guess..."

Gon nodded, still with that big smile. "Oh! Your bed is over here!" He skipped and pointed at a bed on the right. This one was perfectly made. As usual, the sheets were white.

I didn't move from where I was standing on the doorway until I heard Beans cough. "Your clothes and everything else were already removed here," he told me,
"Consider yourself at home. Now I shall take my leave. Oh! your schedule for therapies will be decided tomorrow. Now then."

Beans left after he gently closed the door. I walk over to the bed that Gon said was mine and sit down. Who knew I would ever end up here, I think to myself. I don't think anyone ever foretold the best student of Hunter Academy living in a Mental Ward.

And who would've guessed my roommate would be so... As I turned my head to face him, I see his mouth moving and realize he's been talking ever since Beans left. I don't really care until he stops and looks at me curiously, like he's looking for an answer.

"Uhhh... Y-yeah," I nod my head.

"Oh... Okay then... I guess I'll shut up now..." He says, slowly becoming quieter and looking away. Ugh, he must've been ranting and asked if he was annoying me. How do I respond to this?

"Sorry, what I meant to say was, yeah, continue with your story," I try to cover my mistake.

"Oh... Okay! Anyway..." He begins to rant again. Something about being excited, something about it not being so bad, and then something about flying elephants.


I turn my attention straight back to Gon to see what in the world he was talking about. I see him having a mischievous smile on his face.

"I knew you weren't paying attention," he said to me.

There was a moment of silence before we both burst out laughing. I could tell this guy was gonna be a fun roommate, possibly annoying at times as well.

"Lights out!" comes a shout from the hallway. Gon hurriedly switches off the light.

"It's 10 o'clock, that's curfew." He looks at me and smiles,

"Goodnight, Killua. I'm so happy to have a roommate." And with that he promptly jumped into his bed and under the covers.

"Goodnight, Gon," I whispered into the darkness, so quietly he most likely didn't even hear it.

That night I fell asleep with hope.

Hope that this might not be as bad as it seems.

The Hunter in the Ward (GonKillu)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin