Meeting the others

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~~~~~Tsuna's POV ~~~~~~

E-ehhh ? wh-why are they whispering ? did- did i do something wrong ?....

" A-Ano......"

that moment Ikuto and Yoru snapped of their thoughts when they heard the little brunet talking hesitantly 

" Y-yeah ? what's wrong Tsuna ? " said Ikuto 

" Did-Did i do something wrong ?..." said tsuna and tears begin appearing in the corner of his eyes "Go-Gomennasai I-I *snif* don't *snif* know what to do *snif* i-..i don't know what to do *snif*...i'm sowwy  *snif * "

~~~~~~~Ikuto's POV ~~~~~

as the little Chara started crying i didn't know what to do to stop his sobbing .... did....did i do something wrong or was i too rude or harsh ?.....

"Ne Ikuto nya~~~~ are you sure this is your chara nya ? i didn't know you have a weak personality and a cute side too nya~~~poker fa~~~~ce  nya~~~~ ? " whispered Yoru 

" Shut up it's not time for your conclusions i have to find a way to stop him from crying !" 

then Yoru floated to Tsuna's direction and tried to cheer him up 

" neeeeeee Tsuna nya ! don't worry i was like that at the beginning too nya  ! "  (lie >.> )

" We -...weally ?  *sniff * 

maaaaan stop with the cuteness i don't want to die from blood loss you know ........

" come with me nya  ! i want you to meet someones and do a prank on them nyaa ! "

" E-ehh ? p-...prank ? "

" is it okay Ikuto nya? "

" yeah yeah whatever do what you want but i think it will be interesting to see their reaction " i smirked evilly as Tsuna gasped and hid behind Yoru .......ah .... my bad i scared him....

what tsuna though that time was ' he....he kind of remind me of Hibari san with that smirk..... *gasp* ! wi- will he bite me to death too ?! "

~~~~~~~~~Tsuna's POV ~~~~~~~~

as Yoru kun guided me to these  people i saw three  other ' Chara ' s  i wonder if they are the people i will do a prank on them ?

" Nee nee Tsuna nya ! i will tell you the plan ! * whisper * " 

" Ha-.... Hai .... i got it "

i don't know why do i have to d that but well it may be fun as well .... i headed to the three Chara s one of them was a girl wearing a  pink cheering  costume and the other one green maid costume ..... the other one was wearing blue chirt and shorts .... i'm not quiet sure if it's a boy or a girl actually ......

" A-... Ano ...! excuse me !......"

" huh ? " said the three together 

~~~~~~no one's POV ~~~~~

" Ehhh ? who are you ? "  said Ran while observing Tsuna corner by corner 

" i... I-I'm Tsuna- Tsunayoshi ... But y-you c-can call me-me Tsuna ...." said the little brunette while playing with his fingers 

' C-----Cute !!! ' is all what the three thought 

" I am Ran this is Miki and Suu  nice to meet you ! " 

" nice to meet you "

 " pleasured to meet you " 

" the.... the pleasure i-is a-all m-mine " said Tsuna Shy shyly 

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