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"Dillon, honey. Wake up.. It's time for you to go to North Carolina.." My mom tried waking up. I groaned and told her that I didn't want to go. She laughed and pulled my covers off my body.

"MOM!!!! STOP IM TRYING TO SLEEP!" I yelled at her. She laughed and said, "Get up or your never coming back here. I won't let you."

I groaned and got up, knowing that she would make me get up anyways. I showered and got ready to go. I put on some baggy sweats and a crop top long sleeved shirt. My long brown hair was put in a perfect messy bun and my makeup was done perfectly. I grabbed my red hightop converse and grabbed my bags.

"I'm ready, mom." I said, walking down the stairs.

"Awh, honey. I'm going to miss you so much. Don't forget to come visit me every 5 months okay? Make some friends baby girl!" She smiled sadly at me before giving me one last bear hug. The last hug I'll be giving her for the next 5 months.

"I'll FaceTime you every night Mommy, I promise. Don't forget about me.." I told her, crying into her arms.

"I would never forget about you Dillon, your my daughter. Oh, look. Theres your father. Have a good time honey, I'll see you in a few months." She said, waving goodbye.

I got into the car next to Nash. He said he would sit in the back with me so I wasn't lonely. I really liked Nash, he was a good brother. Even though I have only been with him for not even 24 hours, he's still a great brother. I feel like were going to be really close.

Skylynn likes me a lot, actually. Well, I mean, I would hope that she would because I'm kind of her sister. Hayes was also really nice to me. I already have a nickname for him. It's Haaassssss. He hates when I all him that, but then we laugh about it.

It's all good though because he calls me dill pickle, you know, because of the brand of pickles and my name is Dillon... yeah okay you get it.

I decided to take a nap because I was not staying awake for 14 hours while we travel through 4 different states, like no thanks.

I woke up from my nap to Nash poking my side. "Yes Nash?" I asked, still half sleep because I had just woken up. "We're getting In n Out, what do you want?" He asked me. I instantly jumped out of my seat. I absolutely LOVE In n Out burger. Its like my favorite place ever, other than Taco Bell.

"I want a number 2 with no tomatoes and no onions, with a chocolate shake." I told him. "Awh! We get the same order! We're so alike!" He smiled. "I guess thats why were twins." I shrugged. He laughed and grabbed my hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked, confused. "Chill, I'm just taking you inside because I dont want to go alone." He explained. I nodded and got out of the car and went inside.

Nash ordered and waited for our order to be ready. Once it was done, we sat down at the table.

"Hey, how long was I asleep for? Like how much longer is left of the drive?" I asked, taking a bite of my burger. "We're almost there actually. Theres only a few more hours." He told me, taking a bite of his burger as well. I nodded and continued eating.

Once we were finished, we walked back to the car. By the time we were done eating, hayes, chad, nila and skylynn were all sitting in the car waiting for us. We hopped in the backseat and they began to drive the few more hours that were left.

About an hour into the drive, Nash pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened an app. I soon realized that he had opened vine. He put the camera close to my face and said, "Hey guys! This is my sister Dill pickle! Isn't she prettyyyyyyyyyyy!"

I laughed after that and he posted it. "Thanks! Now all your fans are going to call me dill pickle!" I laughed and he bursted out laughing. That only made us laugh harder.

After a few hours of driving, we finally entered his city. Which only meant 10 more minutes until we were finally home. Soon enough, we pulled up to a gated neighborhood. They entered the code and the gates opened, revealing the most gorgeous houses I've ever seen.

My moms house wasn't a really nice house. It was just ordinary, not too small, but not like a mansion. We pulled up to a huge mansion, pretty far away from the entrance of the neighborhood.

"Is this our house..?" I said, really amazed by the house in front of my eyes. He nodded and got out of the car. I grabbed my bags and entered through the huge door.

The house was gorgeous inside. It was very modern inside. There was a 70 inch flat screen tv in the living room, along with very gorgeous pieces of art. The house had chandeliers everywhere, gorgeous ones in fact. I loved the house.

"Dillon, your room is downstairs. Nash will show you which one it is." Chad said to me. Nash walked over to me and led me down the stairs.

Downstairs was gorgeous. Right after you came down the stairs, there was a living room. One of my very own. It was themed modern. It had black leather couches, a grey rug, a 50 inch tv on the wall with a grey bookshelf that wss holding my tv.

I had my very own bathroom, which was themed all white with dark purple accented every now and then.

My bedroom was best of all. It was giant. The walls were painted a charcoal grey and my bed sheets were white. It had a white futon in it and accented dark purple pillows and accessories in certain places. Overall, I had an amazing room. My closet was filled with all my favorite kinds of clothes. Everything was perfect.

"NIla, Dad, thank you so much for all of this." I said, hugging both of them.

best. day. ever.




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