Natures Womb

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Natures womb

It is the Air I breathe , the sensation of a touch to my skin , the vibration of sound that he spills as he speaks to me , I feel the depth of his words within..
Silently i become enchanted by such a being. I pretend as if I am not amused but my heart is dripping chrome from the veins in which it pumps , my body is the vessel upon which his love travels , how elegantly I Glow in his presence.

I want to feel the pulse of his tapping tongue to my virgin drum, give a tempo that runs miles through my endless terrain ...
When we collide we don't create hills we form mountains that reach Saturn, I am the center of his world , he spins in ringlets as if I am his core

I've never seen such a horizon as beautiful as the one in his eyes , sun gleams a beam of light.. I see his true colors, he was the ghetto butterfly to my hood , now he's a brotha of many moons..

Our mother has blessed us with jasmine's to run along our toes and poppy seeds to feast upon , how the weeping willow grins at the sight of us .. When we dig , we uncover bones from the soil in which it rose.
"Petals " through waterfalls where we engage in affairs only I and the animals can see ..

How does salt water and fresh water make love ? They meet in oceans where the tides cleanse sins .. We glorify the many war zones we manifest over night .. Our howls tongue down trails as you & I sit upon the face of mother natures nose ..
Or is it her whom we grow in , her whom we feed off of , or is it her womb we expose ?

I like to thinks it's all the above..

We speak in coded languages of the wind like violet, violent lightening bolts only ones who can decipher mother natures tone.. You lay in my continent as I become one with the earth , I've been seeking freedom within my mental thesis , you gave me salvation in your thrust ..

I felt that ..

We can speak about desires all day long , climb bamboo trees and sing along to the breezes song .. We just can't seem to see eye to eye you look east and I'm looking west .. I guess this is were Adam & Eve part ..

Mother natures womb.. Was the birth of something new..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2015 ⏰

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